
Another Plea To Bungie, Re: Join In Progress Sanity (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 03:47 (3502 days ago) @ Cody Miller

If anything, matchmaking should be MORE aggressive about joining in progress. If someone drops or leaves a game, the best thing is to fill that slot as quickly as possible. That would prevent runaway scoring by the team that's up a player, and would have you join in games that are much closer in score.

Agreed, assuming the game even can be more aggressive about it. I've seen new players join in very quickly and I've seen it take minutes. In the latter cases it might have been that there were no players who met the existing geographic, network, or skill level filters already in place. At some point there simply are not any more suitable players to join into a game. Also, what of games that were backed out of because the score had already ran away? Or games that only have a few seconds left. Right now, Destiny will still happily add me into such games. More aggressive join in progress will not help me there while more join in progress rules would.

I'd rather wait another minute for a good game than waste a couple of minutes on a game that is not fun and ends too soon.

In my opinion, joining a player into an overly short game or into a clearly lost cause does not help anyone and instead merely spreads the misery from those stuck in said lost causes to players who were expecting a fair, even, and full length game. My solution, then, is to disable join in progress once certain criteria are met.

The best solution of course is to not play alone. You are very unlikely to join halfway if you have a fireteam.

That's not a solution Bungie can implement. They can't mandate that everyone always have friends willing and able to play with them.

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