
I don't understand you people at all. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, June 08, 2015, 21:12 (3501 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Either way, though, I'm okay with stiffer penalties for quitters - I've ALWAYS been an advocate for the "wait 5 minutes before being allowed back" plan

Last night I was playing Iron banner alone, got an invite, and accepted it. I left the game I was in, to start playing with a group. I'd have hated to wait 5 minutes before we could start.

I'd hope the system was smarter than that. Leaving a matchmade team once a session to play with friends should be detected and not punished. Similarly, things like having your internet die or having your power go out should be forgiven assuming they can be properly detected. Penalties would come into play when someone backs out of a game perhaps with less tolerance and more bite when they build up a history of backing out of games.

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