
Another Plea To Bungie, Re: Join In Progress Sanity (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 23:46 (3501 days ago) @ narcogen

The best solution of course is to not play alone. You are very unlikely to join halfway if you have a fireteam.

That's not a solution Bungie can implement. They can't mandate that everyone always have friends willing and able to play with them.

Sure they can. They can disable matchmaking.

Heh. Ok, maybe they can, but they probably shouldn't. :p

Since, as I understand it (I don't play Crucible/IB much at all) when a game ends, each team goes straight into matchmaking for the next game unless somebody backs out. If the game has just matched a random, or a group of randoms, with a fireteam, then it seems likely to me you'll get put into the same player group for the next game if nobody backs out.

So the point of matchmaking isn't just balancing out the teams, it's about keeping a side together. Instead of waiting for the next game and hoping nobody backs out, Destiny is putting you on a side as soon as it can, even if it means putting you in a game that's about to end, rather than waiting until the game ends. Perhaps the logic is that it's better to do that to individual players than it is to make matchmaking take longer for the rest.

True, the logic is certainly hugely complex. In general I think Destiny has quicker matchmaking times than Halo did and part of that might very well be it's method of getting people into games as quickly as possible. The things I'm asking for might very well wreck the system for all I know. It might raise match times from ~30 seconds to three minutes if there aren't enough players around to form two new teams or something like that. I would love to just sit down with those in charge of the matchmaking process talk about and learn about why things work the way they do. Not demand they fix things, mind you, just a pleasant chat about the awesome technologies and trade offs that make all this stuff work.

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