
Microtransactions *can* be good. (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 14:41 (3511 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

There were initially some concerns about buying loot packs that contain random rewards... you might get what you want, or you might get something you already have (beyond the microtransactions, this is a problem with RNG based loot in general, as we all know). But Bioware had a great solution to this problem. If a loot crate gives you a weapon you already have, it upgraded your gun to a "Mark II" version that would do slightly more damage. Your weapons could be upgraded all the way up to Mark X, so getting duplicates was actually a good thing.

Also, once you got a gun to Mark X, it was no longer possible to get that gun. So no duplicates or wasted drops.

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