
^^^ This ^^^ (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 17:16 (3511 days ago) @ Korny

the fact that the gameplay never got stale succeeded in bringing me back. Not to mention the fact that every time you came back, something was new, tweaked, or simply better than before.

This is what I'd love to see more of from Destiny. By the time each DLC comes out, we've played the old stuff too death. So instead of the new stuff mixing in to the base game and enriching the overall product, it gets singled out and burned through. I'd much rather see smaller updates on a more frequent basis.

Right, but the smaller content, by nature of it being smaller, is not going to reach the sort of critical mass that makes a piece of content fun. That's Destiny's problem and why you feel burned out: the missions are one offs and short, not really being able to integrate some large scale challenge, but rather smaller ones that are conquered more easily.

If everything were tied into everything else, rather than being piecemealed, then it becomes more than the sum of the parts. This of course requires more content dropped at once in less frequent intervals; this is the opposite of the model they are going for.

Say that they added cosmetic microtransactions, and used the money that they earned to directly fund development of a new Raid, while the rest of the team works with Activision's budget to fund Destiny 2. Now you have zero negative impact on the future, while directly supporting content for the current game outside of planned DLC packs.

And the best part is, you don't have to spend a single cent for a new, free Raid, since other folks picked up the tab for you.

In your world, that's a bad thing?

Do you think the people buying the cosmetic stuff would appreciate 'picking up the tab for me'? Everyone should just pay one price and get everything.

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