
I hate this model, still. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, July 23, 2015, 02:36 (3511 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I actually would love to see those numbers (as would everyone, probably).

How much real money did people actually spend on resupply packs? I'd bet it was quite a bit, actually. I think everyone knows people that have spent stupid amounts of money on shit like Candy Crush or whatever the new hot mobile game is now. I didn't play much ME3 multiplayer, so I don't even know what the resupply packs cost, but I know plenty of people that probably would have spent over a hundred bucks on them, a dollar at a time. They're lazy like that. These are guys that were collecting other people's discarded Mt. Dew bottles for the Halo 4 Double XP, and buying ridiculous amounts of it on their own.

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