
^^^ This ^^^ (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 18:01 (3511 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Absolutely agree. I do think there is still room for bulk content packs, like what The Taken King is shaping up to be. I just think there is a need, in a game like Destiny, for a more frequent level of change. Think back to the week before HoW shipped. Patrol mode was exciting for a few days there, as we all played the new Wolf events. But a week later, they're old news and we're right back where we were before the DLC launched: waiting for something new again.

This only seems like a problem because Bungie wants you to constantly replay Destiny. If they Designed it so that's not the case, I feel like nobody would complain about lack of content.

I partially agree, but there is another side to it. *I* want to keep playing Destiny. The mechanics are so freaking fantastic, and playing with friends is a blast. So it frustrates me when we wait as long as 6 months for new content, only to find it doesn't add much to the game :-/

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