
+1 (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, 23:06 (3511 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don't even check the vendors anymore because nothing changes. I have all the weapons I want. Hell, if they even rotated in weapons every week with the reset it would make everything seem fresh.

Instead of letting players re-roll their weapons, what they should have done was a weekly reset of the rolls on vendor stocks, as well as a cycling of different weapons (the return of The Devil You Know!). That way, you can spend your marks on more than just boring Resources (which I don't even bother with anymore, both sit at 200 on all characters), and each reset is more anticipated, because you never know what rolls the vendors will have (and it adds a risk/reward system to spending all of your marks).

I always wondered why Bungie didn't do this. It seems like a no-brainer.

In a recent interview, someone said they don't want your epic stories to revolve around "I went and bought this cool gun!" That's why they don't do it :-p

Standard Legendaries should be bought from vendors and be random. All the exotics and unique legendaries should have a story behind them. But not stories like I killed this guy and got my 8th dragons breath. Nobody wants that story.

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