Search results for tag 'holiday'
Showing results 1 - 10 of 10 matches
Crafting an Oryxmas Season!
CraftingGeek has made our front page in the past a number of times and she's done it again with Traveler-themed Christmas cards!

Additionally, we'd be amiss not to mention the Sparrow Racing League banners she's just translated into real life! How cool!

Leviathan | Dec 14, 2015 11:37 am |
A Mysterious Benefactor
Bungie didn't forget about us during the holiday season. Head to your post office and check out the gift they've left for you! (It's a random legendary weapon) then go share what you got on the forum! Thanks to petetheduck for pointing it out!
Xenos | Jan 7, 2015 07:52 am |
Bungie's Holiday Engram
Bungie usually has neat, comically-illustrated holiday cards for their studio and this year is no different!

Urk Tweeted this beautifully teasing piece yesterday.
Leviathan | Dec 13, 2014 02:57 pm |
Holiday Fun
A few days ago, DeviantARTist SilverSonic44 posted a Halo/Destiny-themed Christmas wish for everyone... go celebrate the season!

Claude Errera | Dec 29, 2013 12:59 pm |
A Hunter Never Rests....

... but we do! So kick your feet up and have a cheerful season and happy Christmas! If you do have time to kill, you can start perusing the results of the B.Org Secret Santa that's pouring in. Have a good one... or two... or a few!
Leviathan | Dec 25, 2013 08:15 am |
We love you guys.
As the last year without Destiny comes to a close, we here at DBO would like to wish you all a very happy holiday season, and more specifically a merry Christmas tomorrow. Bungie's holiday card does a great job of summing up our excitement for the coming adventures!

Claude Errera | Dec 24, 2013 08:55 pm |
And to all, a good... something
It was a couple of days ago, but during this holiday season you owe it to yourself to enjoy fun game-related poetry. Duncan posted 'Happy Holidays, DBO' on our forum, and a reading will allow you to prepare for the upcoming year of release with the right attitude. Maybe have a spiked glass of eggnog by your side!
Claude Errera | Dec 22, 2013 01:43 pm |
Bungie Goes Bravely into the Dark

Bungie's latest Weekly Update closes out the year for the studio, signalling the start of a long-awaited and hard-earned rest for the creators of the Traveller's brave new world. DeeJ drops details about the Winter Build and a company-wide playtest to show off all the shiniest new bits. The Update also takes a brief look over the last year and the milestone moments in Destiny's development for many Bungie folk, and we get some inkling about the wonders that will await us all in the New Year.
Go read! (Don't forget, we have a
local version, too.)
Malagate | Dec 21, 2013 05:34 am |
Happy Holidays, from Bungie

The Bungie Community Theatre
is back, wishing all a happy holiday season! Stop by to catch a dose of DeeJ's wicked rhymes and pore over some fresh new clips of gameplay. Hat tip to the ever-prompt Xenos
in our forum.
Malagate | Dec 19, 2013 01:57 pm |
The Traveler Is Coming to Town!

Ragashingo dropped by the forums with a holiday-themed writing assignment: he's hosting the "First Annual Destiny Christmas Fan-Fiction Contest". Go check out his post, and be sure to get your entries in before midnight on the 24th!
Beorn | Dec 12, 2013 04:00 pm |