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Angry Joe versus the Ginger Mafia

DeeJ and Urk play the part of good cop/bad cop in this high-energy interview that "Angry Joe" shot during E3. Despite the recent deluge of E3 videos, this chat proved to be highly entertaining; check it out! (Thanks again, Xenos.)

ncsuDuncan | Jun 21, 2013 08:33 pm | link

Digital Trends interviews Mr. Orange

The E3 interviews continue to surface, as tech site Digital Trends releases a chat they shared with the ginger-bearded man we call Urk. The conversation sticks to the same topics we've grown fond of over the past two weeks, but it's always nice to get yet another chance to hear about the game we're eagerly awaiting. (Thanks, Xenos.)

TAGS: E3, interview
ncsuDuncan | Jun 21, 2013 06:45 pm | link

Activision believes, invests, and competes.


Andrew Goldfarb over at IGN has posted a short interview with Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg that gives us this tantalizing quote about Destiny:

It’s a sizeable investment. It’s probably one of the biggest investments in a new IP that’s ever been made in this industry. We wouldn’t be making that investment if we didn’t believe in the potential.

Exciting words for Bungie fans. Check out the full article for Hirshberg's thoughts on how Destiny and Call of Duty will (or won't) compete with each other for an audience.

ncsuDuncan | Jun 21, 2013 05:20 pm | link

Letters from the teasebag.

bungie_mailsack.jpgThe first post-E3 mail sack is up! Give it a read and find out what motivates Bungie employees in the aftermath of Destiny's gameplay reveal. Naturally, space magic plays a prominent role.

TAGS: mail, sack
ncsuDuncan | Jun 21, 2013 04:28 pm | link

DBO E3 Impressions

ncsuDuncan, GrimBrother One and Bed Errera sum up their E3 2013 experiences. My only question is, what exactly does Claude need to build up before Destiny comes out?

colindosaj | Jun 21, 2013 12:04 pm | link

Polygon-Parsons Palaver

polygon.pngPete Parsons spoke to Polygon at E3 (we missed the video - the Destiny segment starts around 30:50 or so.) He discusses loot streams, weapons, ranks, and more. Go watch!

Claude Errera | Jun 21, 2013 12:02 pm | link

Spruce up Your Desktop

CruelLEGACEY whipped up a slick dark-themed wallpaper, and shared it with our forum - go take a look!

Claude Errera | Jun 21, 2013 11:53 am | link

The Art of Ryan DeMita

Bungie artist Ryan DeMita scored a spotlight at Kotaku today - swing by to see some awesome Destiny art (along with Reach art). There are also links to his personal site and his CGHub page, if you want to continue to explore. Nice! Thanks, INSANEdrive.

Claude Errera | Jun 21, 2013 11:50 am | link

Brave New Online World

Eurogamer published an article that provides a detailed look into Destiny's online and social components. Harold Ryan, president of Bungie, has some interesting things to say about what makes Destiny different from an MMO and the technology and ideas powering Destiny's connected experience. This is certainly worth the read especially if you still aren't quite sure what to make of Bungie's new world.

The second technology is an intriguing concept mooted by Ryan, one which I've never heard spoken of before: "social matchmaking". This will be the glue that binds Bungie's game servers to all those locally simulated solo or co-op games running out in the wild. In the process it will turn many thousands of tiny shards into the impression of a single persistent universe - one so big it could, potentially, dwarf Eve Online's New Eden.

colindosaj | Jun 21, 2013 11:38 am | link

Gametrailers - Best of E3 2013

Gametrailers is running a 'Best of E3 2013' awards ceremony - Destiny was nominated in the following categories:

Unfortunately Destiny didn't win best new IP or best graphics, but the nominations are still pretty neat. Gametrailers will announce 'Best of Show' today at 4pm PST.  

colindosaj | Jun 21, 2013 11:09 am | link

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