
+1, and then some. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, June 20, 2016, 20:18 (2927 days ago) @ CyberKN

I'd mostly agree with you. Yes, it's triple RNG. But the fact that we now have 100% infusion rate pretty much negates the issues. I'm fine with the way infusion works now.

It really doesn't.

Just because the system is less idiotic now doesn't mean it isn't still triple RNG. For every gun I get from a faction package, I have to hope/pray for a 335 equivalent from some other activity to bring it up.

Just the first time.

After that, I can use guns I'd previously infused to 335 to infuse into a new, better-perks gun that dropped at 285 or whatever. No cost at all, except the old gun (which is eclipsed by the new one anyway).

So yes, the very first time you get a gun you like that you want to infuse to 335, you need to hope for a high-light drop somewhere else. At this point, though, that's become irrelevant for me, since I've got plenty of 335s I can use - usually one of the same type as I'm infusing, just with less-good stats.

I guess I just wish Bungie could come up with a more creative hook than "The numbers get bigger!"

If that's the best you've got, just cut it. Make everything the same light-level from the word go, HoW-style.

I've put enough time into the game that I have plenty of incoming infusion fodder... but the thing I still find myself running into is a strange kind of "neglect due to favoritism". It's been like this since TTK launched. I have a short list of favorite weapons that I prioritize for infusion. Meanwhile, I've got a vault full of legendries and exotics that are not my everyday go-to guns, so they're further down my "need to infuse" list. What starts to happen is that every now and then I get an urge to dust off No Land Beyond or Super Good Advice (often in the middle of a strike or crucible match), but I look at them and see they're still 310 and only half upgraded, so I leave them in the vault and forget about them again.

I'll eventually hit a point where all my favorite weapons are max level and I can turn my attention to upgrading the rest of my gear, but by then we'll probably be close to the launch of another new expansion and another new max light level and the whole climb starting all over again.

I just wish I could play the game without worrying about any of this stuff :-/

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