Positive Revival

by Avateur @, Sunday, August 18, 2013, 12:41 (3911 days ago) @ PerseusSpartacus

Ever play any of the older FPS games? Difficulty and singleplayer and multiplayer competitive play and strategy doesn't just disappear because you can carry a ton of weapons. This goes beyond Marathon. Ever play Quake? Unreal Tournament? Even games that weren't exactly competitive like Duke Nukem. Halo seems to have set the two weapon standard.

It's less cluttered. Yes, it adds a bit of strategy and tactical ability in trying to be as best prepared as possible for your upcoming encounter with a minimal weapon choice. Except when I ran into situations with a lot of enemies in front of me who might require a special type of weapon, I gathered my weapons and kept swapping them constantly to keep throwing them ahead.

There were many times in H2 where I wanted a particular gun and didn't want to risk there not being one later (talking about when first playing through, and then continuing this strategy after I knew where things were), so I'd weapon swap constantly to throw them ahead so I had the guns I needed at all times. It's tedious, especially on Legendary. I've followed this in all Halo games except for H4, mostly because H4 is way too easy to beat (my opinion).

There is an argument to be made for less weapon carry options, and while inventory systems aren't always the best option, allowing you to carry a bunch with you (even if you don't have access to them all at the press of a button at any given time) definitely doesn't decrease strategy, tactics, skill, or difficulty (especially if a game's difficulty is planned for it, which is what great developers such as Bungie can do if they want to, not that they want to or have planned to accomodate any system such as the one being discussed :P).

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