
*sOT* Grunts

by Quirel, Sunday, August 18, 2013, 18:23 (3911 days ago) @ PerseusSpartacus

When that Grunt threw a sticky just as the door was closing and it fell back onto a collection of dropped grenades... his companion asked, "What were you thinking?" BOOM!!!

What's weird is that that line should only play after a Covie has killed a friend, not before: I don't believe there's any prediction on the part of the AI as to who will kill a friend on accident. It's possible one Grunt got in the way of another one's firing and consequently died, all just before the grenade went off, prompting that one to give out the cry of "What were you thinking?" Otherwise I simply don't get why that would happen.


Could be that the line is set to play whenever a grenade is thrown and lands within the lethal radius of an ally.

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