

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, September 07, 2017, 13:49 (2718 days ago) @ electricpirate


Shaders are earned through gameplay: leveling, chests, engrams, vendors. We expect you’ll be flush w/ Shaders as you continue to play.

When you reach level 20, Shaders will drop more often: vendor rewards, destination play and endgame activities. (2/4)

Just as it was, more or less, in Destiny. I can say during the time I played Destiny, I did play things for kit sometimes. I think we all did in some way. Hopes for an exotic, or raid based weapon drop.

Shaders are now an ongoing reward for playing. Customization will inspire gameplay. Each planet has unique armor and Shader rewards. (3/4)

I'm currently fine with ongoing rewards for playing. It's part of the whole "loot" aesthetic Destiny has. This to me seems fine, per the game.

With D2, we want statements like "I want to run the Raid, Trials, or go back to Titan to get more of its Shader" to be possible. (4/4)

THIS. This is where it all is lost. Losing things sucks. In this scenario, if we add a shader, especially if it's rare, once it's done we are committed. We won't want to change it, because then we'd lose it. If it's raid based or trails based shader, or something that required a great deal of effort & RNG, then that is where the hording aspect comes in. That's where things become unhealthy.

Again, losing things sucks. Losing things you worked hard to get sucks even more. You have a mechanic that causes a-sort-of-fear & hording in your players, then it probably isn't a very good mechanic.

Also keep in mind: How many times do we shard things? It can effect this too.

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