
Shaders are 1-time use? (consumable) (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, September 07, 2017, 17:02 (2717 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

See this doesn't bother me. As long as the river runs plentiful I'll take this along with the ability to choose per gear item over the old system any day.

But they don't run plentiful.

Really? After completing the campaign I have about 60 consumables over like 12 different styles. I get 5 more for every Bright engram I open. And I get a bright engram for every level I do past 20. Which means I'm going to get a ton of shaders.

When I beat the campaign, I had 3 shaders total. After the MANY eververse packages that were waiting for me, I have between 3 and 5 of, say, 10 different shaders. Which is not enough for a single full set of shaded gear for any one particular shader, let alone enough to willy nilly swap back and forth.

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