
"Exodus Crash" Update (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, May 27, 2018, 08:50 (2449 days ago) @ Ragashingo

But, if your position is really that it’s ok to screw over other players in matchmaking because you don’t like some content... well then, I strongly disagree. If this Strike was bugged or impossible to complete then, sure, I might also be in favor of skipping it. But that’s not the case. And I stand by my opinion. Anyone who skips and leaves other players to face perfectly playable content on their own is a jerk and deserves a temporary ban.

If there was a way to actually pick which strike I wanted to play, maybe I could meet you in the middle. But there’s not. It’s the strike playlists or nothing. So no, at that point, banning people for leaving is asinine. This is a problem of Bungie’s creation. If they let people actually pick the content they want to play, this wouldn’t be as much of an issue, or if was, temp bans might be a reasonable solution. But since they don’t, players are taking it into their own hands, and rightfully so.

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