
"Exodus Crash" Update (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, May 27, 2018, 19:28 (2449 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by Ragashingo, Sunday, May 27, 2018, 19:52

Now... which of those made it necessary for you to randomly insult me

It's your attitude. It's infuriating sometimes. You're eager to jump on everyone else for being insulting or judgmental, but you should look in the mirror occasionally. This whole thread you speak like you're holding some sort of moral high ground, and you started this thread by calling people selfish jerks, if we're talking about randomly insulting people. But also:

For as long as I’ve played multiplayer matchmade games, quitting out on people has been seen as a bad thing. For very good reason. So, yes, I do believe I have some moral high ground. Because clear of anything else, my position is “don’t quit on people.”

That said, you made a decent case for tempering my opinion with the fact that in Destiny 2 players have less choice in Strikes. Also, I believe all rules should be flexible enough to have reasonable exceptions. Absolutes suck. But in general, I stand by the idea that quitting on people who are legitimately trying to play the game is a bad thing. I just don’t think “I don’t like that Strike” comes anywhere close to balancing “so I’m going to cause grief for the players that do.” I said it before, but how would you feel if the situation was reversed and you could hardly complete something you wanted to play because everyone abandoned you?

That while I generally don’t approve of quitting before you see if the team you joined is good or not, I do think some things like players repeatedly running ahead

So, it's okay to quit when players aren't playing how YOU want to play or if they're not as good as you, but it's not okay to quit when it's a strike I actively just don't want to do?

Two examples from today:

- I had two Guardians start the Xol Heroic Strike by attempting to run their sparrows through that first choke point that has 4 snipers, a Wizard, multiple low level enemies, and at least two heavy weapon Knights. They both died instantly because they weren’t even trying to play. There was no way I could even get to them to pick them up since they died in the middle of powerful enemies. They weren’t even trying, so I left them to themselves.

- A little earlier I had a Hunter skip every enemy in the Infinite Forest. He died near the exit portal on top of that high circle that’s swarming with Cabal. He respawned, entered the portal and ran far enough ahead so that he died and wiped both me and my matchmade teammate who were picking our way through the Forest section by section. I didn’t quit on him out of respect for the person playing along side me. But I sure as heck reported him to Bungie and Xbox Live.

In both cases, player skill had nothing to do with it. It had to do with players not even attempting to play as part of a team. I will pick someone up as many times as required to help them through a Strike if they are trying. Even if they are underleveled or something. I will not sit there while someone wipes me from so far ahead that they aren’t even in the same reality as I am.

As for quitting when it’s not something you want to do, I stand by the fact that you are so focused on yourself that you are discounting the feelings of the people you quit on. That is the definition of being selfish.

For whatever it's worth, this entire discussion probably wouldn't have happened except for two things: you started it with an insult, and you're suggestion that Bungie did the wrong thing by addressing player concerns and removing the strike until they could make changes, but instead came with the attitude of "Fuck that, ban them!" Bungie did the right thing here, but that's not good enough for you, and they should have just dropped the banhammer instead of addressing the actual issue.

I’m really not sure where you came up with that idea. I certainly think bans are justified for quitters, with a few exceptions that I’ve mentioned. But from the very first time I addressed replacing the Strike, my words were: “Sure, ultimately Bungie needs to do what’s best for all players, and if the only way they can prevent people instantly quitting on me is to remove and rework the Strike I guess that’s what they should do.” Meaning I ultimately agree with removing the Strike and have from the very beginning of this discussion. Even though we both seems to agree that it didn’t really need removing in the first place. (Before that, like in my very initial post, I was legitimately confused as to why quitting out of that particular Strike was even a thing. I seriously had no knowledge of the hatred of Exodus Crash.)

Ultimately, you're right--I shouldn't have insulted you, and I'm sorry. I truly don't believe you intend to present things the way you do, at least not seriously--maybe I'm the only one that reads them like that, I don't know.

No. I do mean it. Do you speak D&D? If so, I am a Paladin. Do you speak Mass Effect? If so, I am a Justicar. I want people to respect each other and to be team players and to follow the rules and to avoid harming the experience of other players as much as is reasonably possible. And then I want them to go a step farther in being nice to others.

If the Strike just isn’t happening. If you’ve tried to play with some matchmade group and for whatever reason the three of you are legitimately struggling, then sure, send them a polite “sorry, gotta go” message and quit. (I had someone do that for me once and I took the time to send them back a very nice thank you message.) If the daily modifiers are unreasonable (like lightswitch on Exodus Crash) then yes, skip it from the beginning.

But generally, even if it means some inconvenience for someone who doesn’t like Exodus Crash, I do expect people to stick it out until it becomes obvious that the Strike will take an unreasonable amount of time to complete because of the team they were matched with. Because if you don’t, you end up causing someone to be unable to complete the Strike not because of their skill level or competence, but because you and several others abandoned them to play by themselves in a playlist that is supposed to pull in players to help them.

Now, to be clear. I’m not for permanent, Destiny wide bans or anything. I’m for the temporary “hey, stop quitting on people” 30 minute Strike matchmaking only type ban. Something to make it clear that quitting on people affects other players. If you thought I was coming at it from that angle, which you might have because I didn’t actually say “temporary ban” in my first post or two, then I apologize.

But for the rest of it? I am unchanged in my opinion that those who quit are being more selfish than those that just play the game. One side is taking an active action against the other. And that is not right as far as I am concerned.

Finally, apology accepted. I’m not looking to make enemies or hold grudges. Just... you know... don’t take the cheap shot next time. For my part, I’ll try and be a bit less aggressive in my opening arguments. :)

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