
There are options to make it way more efficient. (Destiny)

by Chappy, Arlington, VA., Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 08:28 (2432 days ago) @ Cody Miller

1. I got to level 83 and did not get a FWC cloak.

RNG is RNG, the following is probably all nonsense.

I recall a reddit post where someone did a rather extensive analysis of how the faction engram drop rate of armor vs. weapons changed when varying the time between decodes. I searched, but I can't find it. The crux was that when the time between decodes is less than two minutes, there is a higher incidence of getting the same thing (a dupe weapon or dupe armor).

I also think that there may be a small bias to drop more items corresponding to your weakest power level slot.

So when I turned in my tokens, I first put on my set of power level 10 damaged armor and turned in 20 tokens every 2 minutes. When I got an armor piece, I immediately put it on. I did this for both my Warlock and my Hunter, and had full sets of armor for both in about 40 decodes. The downside is I spent an hour just decoding stuff and watching TV.

But RNG is RNG, and all the above is superstitious hokum.

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