
I completely agree. But... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Tuesday, December 08, 2020, 10:04 (1390 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I do want to quickly comment on stasis, since you mentioned it. I firmly believe that stasis is the worst gameplay element that Bungie has ever added to Destiny, and this topic of conversation is a great illustration of why I believe it is so awful. Stasis is the counter to EVERYTHING. It counters every single subclass ability, it shuts down every super, and the only viably consistent counter to stasis is... that’s right, more stasis. The warlock is the worst offender, as every single warlock stasis ability can freeze your opponents. Grenades, melee ability, rift, and super are all universal shutdown abilities that trump any other ability in the game. So rather than play into an interesting rock/paper/scissors dynamic, stasis is just a simple “win button”.

Is Bungie making a point about the dark side being so seductive? :-p At least in Bioshock harvesting was short term gain while saving led to the greatest benefit in the long term.

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