
Not as dumb as people keep implying (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 00:28 (3467 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Even if the new system's only change was to allow you to become more powerful than the old system from a single piece of gear, it would be an improvement. Changing from broad levels to incremental increases in power is a much better system than what we have now, where we get really really small incremental increases and then big leaps when we reach an arbitrary light level increase. If it is ONLY this, I consider this a big improvement.

I've never really understood why people have a problem with this. It was only a problem before, because only one set of gear got you to max level. But now that you have so many options, I'm unsure as to what the problem is. Nowhere is it written that between levels should offer benefits. I can't think of any game that has 'levels' that does this either; you gain your power benefit upon reaching a new level.

But what's the disadvantage of moving to the new system? It will give incremental increases with each piece of gear and theoretically we will have just as many activities to gain more powerful gear to infuse into the gear we like, so on the front of the amount of items we can use to get to a certain "power" level, nothing has changed, they've just decreased the amount of hard to get currencies by one in favor of letting you use items that you would get anyway.

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