
You should be. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 01:47 (3467 days ago) @ Cody Miller

F that. Seriously.

Why? The current system runs completely counter the principle of good game design:

Wasn't it time for you to grow up? You may not like the system as is and you may have some good points against it, but the above is old, pre-ragequit Cody Miller talking. Perhaps scuttle back to that subjectivity you mentioned when you returned and stop with this "completely counter" crap that you know is straight up inflammatory. Discuss, inform, speculate, criticize, but don't do this "my way is the only right way" thing again. Please.

If You give the player a new skill or a new toy, then there should be things that challenge their use of either. You get more powerful, but so do the challenges. This makes the game richer, more deep, and more explorable. Getting gear from the hardest raid in the game makes no sense, because you don't need gear if you can already beat the hardest thing in the game.

With Destiny's large variety of weapon types it makes at least some sense to keep rewarding gear for playing the game. Even for playing the highest levels. Maybe you can beat a raid using the Mythoclast or Hard Light, but have you ever tried it with Hawkmoon, for instance?

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