
I think Narc's got a good point. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 03:32 (3467 days ago) @ General Vagueness
edited by Funkmon, Thursday, September 03, 2015, 03:37

According to the Destiny time waste calculator, she has blown a thousand hours in the game, broadly similar to myself, but she only has 3100 grimoire. What the WHAT?!

unless I read the posts above all wrong, the thing being brought up as an issue is pandering, and I don't think it's stemming from sexism (or if it is, at least not in the post you replied to)
IDK, maybe people are assuming she's not good because she's female and working from there to think it's pandering, but I don't see evidence of that

I was piggybacking off, and trying to lessen the effect of, Korny's implied assertion that she is only popular because she is an attractive woman, which is by definition sexist, but may not have been in intent or execution. It was possibly more about pandering than her actually having breasts, but I felt that it would be a good time to nervously try and cover the joke which could be misconstrued with my own hacky one. In fact, instead of reeling the joke back by saying "I have boobs too!" I think I accidentally made it worse, as a kind of "yes and..." when I meant for it to be "nuh uh, cause I have boobs, and I'M not a popular Twitch streamer." I should have just shut up. The rest of that post wasn't related to the subject. It was just stuff I found about the two streamers.

This isn't the place to talk about how women are treated in gaming and tech, but it's too bad that the whole chat was talking about the girl in an objectified way. Broman they were at least insulting for good reasons. This one had a lot of blatantly sexist stuff in the chat.

What's weird about that? I don't play PVP at all, and I'm around 3200 something. Perhaps she only plays PVP.

Looking at her Warlock... yeah, the VAST majority of her play is PVP. Looking at recent games, mostly Trials of Osiris.

Actually it's kind of odd, because my perception has always been that PVE is just easier than PVP, all other things being equal. Perhaps that's just my personal situation, a combination of lag and a preference for a slower pace of play.

Her warlock's actually got twice as much time in the game as mine, but has played about the same amount of PVE-- it's just the extra 100% of play is all PVP. And her K/D ratios in PVE content is much lower than mine, which is the inverse of her PVP ratio, which is a lot better than mine.

It looks like her other characters have less PVE than the warlock; I'm guessing she probably played the most PVE on the first character and then played less and less when she added new ones. Her two secondary characters have about as many patrols run as the Titan I made just a few weeks ago after deleting my redundant Hunter.

You're right, of course. I don't know why I didn't bother to look at that too closely. She lacks a large number of the ghost and campaign mode grimoire, grimoire that I figured would be an easy get.

I assumed that even if she spent most of her time in PVP she would still have played enough PvE to get the grimoire, so it threw me off. It didn't occur to me to check the hours played.

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