
Insane. (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Saturday, September 05, 2015, 16:46 (3464 days ago) @ narcogen

You know what kind of skill-enforced gate I'd like to see in Destiny?

A random chance for player death (or perhaps team wipe in certain activities) to result in loss of gear. Give those sunsingers a bit of pause before rushing on ahead without thinking.

That's dumb. Penalizing death is penalizing fucking around, which is one of the most beautiful things to do in this, or any game, and it's penalizing being bad.

Death is cheap. There's nothing wrong with that. One might contend, in response, that fucking around in certain competitive scenarios, that should be penalized. But my best fucking around was the whole party of Shoulder Chargers loading up into Skyshock and deciding to just weaponize Sparrows, and the runnerups would all be in Raids.

If you lose shit when you die a lot, then the people who suck aren't only going to have a harder time progressing than others (because they can't do things underleveled for earlier rewards, which allow faster leveling), they're actively going to be sliding backwards sometimes!

When you start getting punished for failure in a manner that's worse than the benefit you get from succeeding, then you have a fucking evil game. In Destiny, it's hard to get your stuff back, especially when most of its random, or downright unattainable anymore, and really fucking easy to die. The only way to mitigate that problem is to make everything have a consistent way to be attained, which you've come out against, or a way to reattain it, which just introduces a grind punishing people for bad performance, and punishing people for being bad is stupid. The more you're punished for sucking, the harder it is to git gud, and the more you're just punished, and the more the good people lord their idiotically high benefits over your head. It's just unfun. It works when that punishment is the point of the game but Destiny is not that kind of game.

If you must, reward people for doing well, and punish people for fucking around (and thus hurting their teammates) in an out of game context, like player review, to allow party wide Shoulder Charge fests and one random newbie joining a fleet of monsters to continue on unmolested.

I wouldn't normally make a post like this, because I'm sure you knew just how bad of an idea you were suggesting, and weren't entirely serious, but, well, juxtaposed with your response to my thing, I can't not write this up. Not that I'm upset with you, of course, I just can't allow the sucky guy to go unchampioned, in matters where they might be unfairly and unintentionally punished, mainly because I used to be that guy and feel like I still kinda am.

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