
So how's the gaming coming along? (Gaming)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, November 13, 2015, 12:39 (3097 days ago) @ Avateur

While most people I know went and got Fallout, I've held off and instead bought Legacy of the Void. And so far it's been absolutely amazing. Some of Blizzard's best storytelling and writing, some really emotional and impactful things going on, and some pretty awesome gameplay and missions. Fallout's next up on my list, and I'm waiting to hear more on Battlefront. And don't even get me started on everything Nintendo just announced! I see a Wii U in my future in 2016.

Yeah, I was disappointed that Legacy of the Void was coming out the same as Fallout. And when I had to choose I chose Fallout because I've had a huge disconnect with StarCraft recently (it might have been like the two year development period) But I really do love the games. I will eventually pick it up for sure. Maybe as a brake from Fallout :-D

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