I have a capable PC now. No extra games, way more work. (Gaming)

by TheeChaos @, Friday, November 13, 2015, 13:52 (3097 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

I built my own/first computer last year. I thought I had enough knowledge to do it without googling anything, boy was I wrong. That being said, i was able to trade a laptop I wasnt using for 2 nvidia GTX 770s which is what sparked the build. When it was all said and done, i had about 2 grand in the computer (not at once, I am not well off by any means). The only things that I hand before were the RAM and CPU ( I pulled them from another PC I had bought).

It was a fun experience, and when I got it up and running I played on it hardcore for about 3 weeks, then slowly fell back to console. Now I have this badass computer (pretty lights and all) sitting in my room.

I started Fallout New Vegas up again a few weeks back. Definitely looked way better than console version, but it felt wierd. I guess outside of MMOs, I am a console man.

Long Story short, if you are on the fence play console. PS4 and Xbox One will be good for latest content for another 6 years or more at LEAST. Computers are always changing, and you will be pouring money in them all the time. At least with console, you pay the 400 dollars, and know that every game you buy for it will play at its optimal settings. and if not its the games fault, not your consoles. On PC its the opposite, which can get really annoying. Sometimes you will spend more time figuring out whats wrong with your PC than playing games.

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