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As we mentioned, the Eververse Trading Company is going live tomorrow, and you'll be able to buy new emotes for your Guardians. (Bungie's planning to distribute some of the currency needed for these, so you won't need to pay to try out the system.) There are 18 new emotes on offer; reddit has done an amazing job of collecting them from the various YouTubers who were given sneak previews (they're all listed in GIF format in this comment). It looks like only 17 of the 18 are currently visible... we'll need to wait until tomorrow to see the last one! Thanks to INSANEdrive for the forum heads-up.
So while I disappear for a bit, here's a sketch of The Speaker to remember me by. Just imagine Bill Nighy saying something epic and you'll be primed to take back our planets, Bungie-style.
3. "In the morning a scouting party of Dregs was sent down into the dark with me. I saw them pass me by; I'm not sure if they were even looking for me... But they did find something. Green lights in the tunnel up ahead, then red and blue with gunfire and blood.
"I took my chance and skirted my way behind the Dregs as they fired upon their attackers. Were their targets the singers from the night before, molded with with such craven mouths, bony hands, and jagged weapons? Was this the Lunar Hive?
"I did not linger as I discerned a light stemming from a junction in the tunnel not far from my hiding space. First into a creek, then a river, and then into a lake...
"Away of that drome, finally. Must keep moving. Must keep pushing West. Back the way she came.
"I hope she doesn't mind me using her journal. It's filled with maps and warnings... And I found her self-portrait tonight. Awoken - that beautiful curse..."
2. "The wall is not safe. Full of Devils. But I've carved out a refuge in an underground tunnel. The Fallen have not followed me down here. Either they don't consider me a threat... Or there's something else down here with me. But there is moving water down here. Hope it leads somewhere...
"Strange voices in the night. But 'voices' may not be the right word. A song of a thousand speakers in discord. Their words are varied and conflicting, but the singers are many and of the same tone. The more I try to listen, the harder the lyrics are to decipher.
"I must get out. But I do not know if I should push farther into the dark and those horrible hymns or retread back through the enemy embattled above.
"...I should have looked ahead. She wrote of this cosmodrome. Warnings. If only I had her rifle with me now! But I believe this is where her Ghost was overcome, leaving her to die out there with the last wounds she would ever bear. My own Ghost... He must be alive out there, somewhere."
"I met a Guardian in the wastes of Siberia. But she was dead."
"The transmat was down and I needed all the help I could get. With a necessary shame, I took her gun and I took her food and then I said a goodbye with a bitter salute.
"But then I saw her journal. My pack was already full but I would make the room.
"I remembered something Skald once told me. 'We Guardians are already ghosts. We're dead to begin with. What matters is that our actions persist, that our deeds before, during, or after life build towards a future full of Light. That means we must remember and record. Sometimes, the Dark can be stayed with just a memory, a knowledge that what we've done will always have been done.'
"Upon the front endcover and the flyleaf was this drawing:
"I'll transmit more once I reach the wall I can see in the distance - hopefully a place I can rest."
... and deleted all the news that occurred today! And it was a quite a bountiful day, trust me. Oh well...
This one also stole one of our monitors. Thought it was his great-great-great-grandma or something.
Hey remember that Warlock I drew a while back? Here's a Titan to go along with it, with a Hunter on its way (she got stuck in a public event I think, she'll catch up).
Click above for a larger version. After that Hunter, maybe I'll look into continuing this series for our villian factions...
Actual news? ... I got nothing, sorry. I don't know where Claude keeps his magic bag of secrets. But I did sketch a Warlock to make up for it. Then ruined it with markers. Then scanned it and salvaged it in Photoshop. Whew!
Click above for a larger version. Makes a good wallpaper/lock screen for your fancy mobile gizmos. Hunter, Titan sketch cards coming in the future.If you hadn't pieced the clues together already, a significant fraction of the DBO Team is at PAX right now, so the frontpage news might slow down a bit.
To make up for this, I've decided to try to express in sketch what it feels like to not be at PAX:
Today might have been light on Destiny news, but fear not, for Bungie Day is only a week away. What wonders await us on the seventh day of the seventh month? If you care to speculate, kidtsunami has a fun thread for you, or we can all just pass the time by staring at this awesome new sketch Levi made of "that guy from the trailer". (Click for full-size.)