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Search results for tag 'PlayStation'

Showing results 1 - 25 of 30 matches

Destiny 2 - Playstation Exclusives Trailer

Today, Bungie not only gave us a better look at Ghaul, but for those on the Playstation side wondering what "greatness awaits" when the game launches on September 6th, a trailer featuring the first wave of exclusive content also dropped. Check it out!

Korny | Jun 12, 2017 10:56 pm | link

Destiny: The Collection Exclusives Trailer

Wondering what new content is coming to a PS4 near you with the launch of Rise of Iron? Sony has released a trailer for the Playstation exclusives included in the upcoming expansion (as well as the Collection bundle). The Mercury aesthetics never get old, and Icarus sure looks... Sublime. Only three days left, Guardians!

Korny | Sep 16, 2016 08:52 pm | link

April Update's PS Exclusives: Zen and the Art of Exploding

Essence of Darkness

Wondering what the April Update is bringing to the Playstation in terms of exclusive content? Playstation Blog has a list of the gear and quest coming on April 12. Start stocking up on those Sublime Engrams now to get the new armors!
Korny | Apr 8, 2016 10:24 am | link

Coming Soon - Conversation With Creators

Playstation is kicking off a new series of interviews, called 'Conversations with Creators'. They look to be roundtable discussions with Wil Wheaton as the moderator. Episode 1 will feature Bungie, with Jason Jones, Luke Smith, Ryan Ellis, and Jason Sussman participating. It airs on July 7, and the official page has just a Wheaton-hosted promo... but Facebook has a 90-second excerpt from the interview itself - this looks to be fantastic!

Claude Errera | Jul 1, 2015 02:49 pm | link

Dust Palace Strike Walkthrough

Playstation is showing off the next piece of timed exclusive content, the Dust Palace Strike on Mars. They have posted a new video to Youtube walking you through the basics of the Strike. Thanks again to petetheduck!

Xenos | Sep 4, 2014 08:53 am | link

Exodus Blue Preview

The Playstation Blog posted a video walking through the Playstation Timed Exclusive Multiplayer Map: Exodus Blue. Go check it out on their site or see it below! (Thanks petetheduck)

Xenos | Sep 3, 2014 07:42 am | link

A Look at Sony Exclusives

A round up of the exclusive content for Playstation 3 and 4 in a short and sweet video. Doooskey posted about it on the forum.

Leviathan | Aug 29, 2014 02:11 pm | link

Tiny Changes or Large Optimizations

The Playstation Blog recently talked to Jonty Barnes about the Beta and discusses some interesting mindsets they had, especially with how seriously they were taking reactions from the beta and also the kind of things they do plan on changing (or already changed most likely at this point) before release.

Xenos | Aug 27, 2014 07:09 am | link

'Shotgun blast to the face beats just about everything'

Playstation Access sat down with DeeJ at Gamescom to  discuss the beta as well as the future of the game. Some interesting tidbits in there, including that Destiny will launch with 10 competitive multiplayer maps!

Xenos | Aug 20, 2014 07:42 am | link

Platform comparisons

Now that both the PS3 and PS4 versions of the Beta are live, it's possible to make comparisons; to see how the two generations stack up. Our own Korny whipped up a few GIFs (don't mind the color issues; you're looking at image detail) - there are two in this post, another two in this one, and three over here (the detail differences on the city from a distance are pretty intriguing). And then UnrealCh13f stopped by with a Game Riot video, which shows off the differences in video form. (The beginning, which is all cutscene, is fantastic - it really gives you a sense of what's changed. The second half, which is gameplay, is much harder to parse, since the two runs aren't even remotely similar.) Go check this stuff out! (And keep an eye on Korny's thread - there may very well be more content added.)

Claude Errera | Jul 18, 2014 12:47 pm | link

Playstation exclusives... in pictures

bluerunner noticed an Imgur collection showing off all the Playstation 4 exclusives that he found on reddit - and then JDQuackers dug up the original page at the Playstation Store. Swing by to see what you get if you buy Destiny for a Playstation 4!

Claude Errera | Jul 15, 2014 12:27 pm | link

PSN Locked and Pre-loaded

Josh Hamrick of Bungie made note of it on his Twitter, but our local Xenos, Lord Commander of the News Watch, also discovered from Reddit what many Playstation users are starting see: Destiny will be able to be pre-loaded to your console starting September 4th.

Leviathan | May 20, 2014 08:20 pm | link

It's a Loot, Loot, Loot World

PlayStation Access posted another vid - this one focuses on loot, and tells you why you'll love it. Go watch. Thanks, SigbiasSilva.

Claude Errera | Apr 30, 2014 03:29 pm | link

Playstation Access - YOUR questions answered

Playstation Access has a fifteen-minute Q&A with DeeJ today - lots of questions, lots of real answers. You should watch. Thanks, Xenos. (Xenos? Who IS that guy?)

Claude Errera | Apr 29, 2014 05:43 pm | link

A lot of ways to enjoy the action

playstationlogo.jpgPlaystation talks about strikes - and how good you'll feel playing them. Nice news tidbit - if you're at E3, you'll be among the first to get your hands on Destiny's competitive multiplayer. Woohoo! Xenos found it (surprise, surprise).

Claude Errera | Apr 28, 2014 12:15 pm | link

PlayStation Access has a week of content for you

If it wasn't already clear, the information floodgates for the journalists who visited Bungie last week open officially on Monday - PlayStation Access has posted their own teaser of what's to come. (There'll be dozens more by Monday.) Thanks, Xenos.

Claude Errera | Apr 25, 2014 09:31 am | link

PlayStation Access Wants Your Destiny Questions

PlayStation Access is crowdsourcing questions for Bungie for an upcoming interview - watch the video below, then log into YouTube and add your own question to their comments section!

Claude Errera | Apr 13, 2014 12:48 pm | link

Celebrating the PS4 launch.

The Playstation 4 has finally launched, and Bungie honored the event with some brand new in-engine footage and very exciting news for the PlayStation Nation: When the Destiny beta launches in early 2014, it will be available first on PS4 and PS3. Tough break, Xbox fans.

ncsuDuncan | Nov 14, 2013 09:12 pm | link

Waiting for Greatness


Looks like Bungie will be part of the GameTrailers PlayStation 4 launch coverage tonight - tune in to "PS4 All Access" on SpikeTV at 11pm EST (8pm PST) or watch it streaming online. Rumor has it there will be a new trailer with some epic in-engine footage...

ncsuDuncan | Nov 14, 2013 04:28 pm | link

Playstation's Destiny

Playstation Access tackled Urk and Deej on the topic of the Moon, classes, exotic weapons, seamless social experiences and the Beta. Thanks, Xenos!

Leviathan | Nov 1, 2013 09:55 am | link

PlayStation chats with Coolie


We missed this when it was posted last week, but Episode 92 of the Playstation Blogcast continues the podcast's pattern of Bungie love with an appearance by environmental artist Coolie Callahan. Skip to 1:10:30 if you just want to hear the interview, which lasts for roughly 9 minutes. Fascinating stuff!

ncsuDuncan | Oct 12, 2013 09:45 pm | link

Hamrick Radio


Two weeks ago, Urk made an appearance on the PlayStation Blogcast for a fascinating discussion on his role as Community Manager. The next episode of the podcast debuted last week and featured another interview with a Bungie employee: Josh Hamrick! His segment starts at around 13:50 and lasts for roughly ten minutes. Go listen to the Senior Gameplay Designer talk about his verbs, his favorite guns, and how he landed a job at our favorite game studio!

ncsuDuncan | Oct 3, 2013 09:47 pm | link

Urk on the PlayStation Blogcast

doom.pngHedge posted in the forum to let us know that the latest PlayStation Blogcast (#90) has an interview with Bungie community manger Eric Osborne (Urk)! It sounds like this is the first in a number of Bungie interviews they'll be presenting in their podcast! The entire episode clocks in at 1 hour 45 minutes, and the Urk interview kicks off at 15:10 and lasts around 12 minutes.

Beorn | Sep 19, 2013 11:02 pm | link

Fusing Science-Fiction, Fantasy, and Mysticism


I missed this earlier, but the PlayStation Blog posted an interview with DeeJ that touched on the classes, weapons, and co-operative play of Destiny. Be sure to look over the comments section for a few extra words from the interviewee!

ncsuDuncan | Sep 8, 2013 04:06 pm | link

Destiny Playstation bundles confirmed

metro.pngJim Ryan, Sony's European head, talked to Metro recently, and confirmed that there would be Playstation hardware bundles involving Destiny. Not a huge surprise - but nice to know for sure! Thanks to Xenos, who found it at

Claude Errera | Aug 29, 2013 10:38 am | link

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