
Problems with Destiny

by cheapLEY @, Sunday, June 16, 2013, 13:26 (4189 days ago) @ Reconcilliation

[*] Cinematic events that leave questions about static-ness of the gameworld - for example the shot of a Fallen spacecraft jumping nearby which causes two towers to collapse. The next time you come through that area, do those towers stay collapsed, or are they upright again? If they stay collapsed, then what if you're not the first person through the area? What if you join your friends as they're going and the towers just collapsed and now that's permanently done on your profile and you never got the chance to see it?

I can't recall where, but I read in an article that came out this week that things of that nature are based from whoever's game you're in. If you join with someone else, it'll be based on what they've experienced so far, so if they haven't done that sequence, everything will be fresh. Now, it didn't mention if when you went back to your game it would be accomplished or not. I would imagine that it would be, but who knows?

As for the rest of your points, I just happen to disagree. I thought it looked like a lot of fun, on all counts. Looked a lot like Halo, to be honest, and that's not a bad thing as far as I'm concerned.

The leveling and such doesn't bother me. Seems like Borderlands, and that seems to work pretty well. Nothing to do but wait and see, I guess.

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