
Legendary guns and the effect on play

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Sunday, June 16, 2013, 18:49 (4188 days ago) @ Cody Miller

But if players are supposed to keep their guns, and you haven;t been keeping and upgrading say, a sniper rifle, then what do you do in a situation where you'd need a sniper rifle because the level has been designed that way? Do you have to rely on someone else who does have one (lame)? Are the enemies and levels just designed so they can be done with any weapon (lame)? Or does this not matter too much and we can pick up weapons we need (good)?

I'm not sure, but I think the game is design around the premise that the team is prepared for anything, while individuals might be unbalanced.

For instance, using your example: we reach a point in a mission where there are lots of enemy snipers, somewhat few covers and I don't have ANY long-range weapons. Now, if I were alone, I'd be pretty much shit out of luck. But we're a team. I don't have any long-range weapons exactly because you told me you had a wicked sniper.

Now I can run from cover to cover, drawing out enemy fire, while you ping them, or at least potshot them long enough to keep me alive while I move in for the shotgun kills.

I can only hope they script the seamless matchmaking to take my weapons and encounter into account so such situations are always possible. The potential is there, but true, no word has been given. Mail sack anyone?

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