Problems with Destiny

by Reconcilliation @, Imagination Station, Sunday, June 16, 2013, 18:03 (4188 days ago) @ Avateur

I wonder if that meant the game itself is in a pre-alpha state, or if what was being shown off at E3 was a pre-alpha state of the game.

I'm not sure. Pre-alpha means they're just putting concepts together, and haven't actually decided on how the game is going to work. It implies all they've got are the engine, development tools and concepts.

And it releases a year from now. I'd have expected Alpha right now - concepts are implemented, general design is solid, music is nearly ready, cutscenes are being worked on etc.

So I'm getting conflicting stories here, because by all rights it looks like they're in alpha, but they say they're in pre-alpha and still formulating the game's concepts.

Pre-alpha is good, that means they're going to be more open to tweaking things based on feedback, which means they have more room to change things than if they were in Alpha.

But, pre-alpha is also bad - they only have a year until launch. The time for pre-alpha should've been a little further back than right now. Destiny's been in the works for how long? Concepts since ODST in 2009; finished with Halo in 2010. Let's say a year to transfer from support of Halo Reach to development of Destiny - that's still two years of development to still be in a pre-alpha stage.

That doesn't sound right to me.

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