
How are you doing? (Off-Topic)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Monday, March 30, 2020, 15:05 (1723 days ago) @ Kermit

Hey friends!

Been a little bit, but I still check the forums from time to time even though I don't play.

Got to play though Doom Eternal (enjoyed it!), probably the first gaming I've gotten to do in probably 6 months. It really was some sorely needed self-care, honestly.

So. COVID-19.

How are you?

Healthy (as far as I know)--isn't that really the only important answer?

Maybe... you can be physically healthy and still have other needs lol

Are you stuck at home?

Yes. I bugged out a day before my company made us bug out--about two weeks ago. My county is one of the hotspots in my state. There's lots of tech, and apparently a Biogen meeting in Boston helped spread it down here. I was an early adopter of sheltering in place.

Are you working?

You are a smart man, I don't care what Korny says ;)

Yes, and hopeful that that continues. My company makes statistical software, and they've got many large clients around the world, including many governments, and we're trying to help people who are trying to help. Don't know if we technically qualify as essential, but I know there is lots of support work being done.

Work is work. If you can make a paycheck right now, there are plenty of others who can't right now. But I know you appreciate that. Glad you can work from home!

Do you have ways to be social or keep monotony at bay? Still Raiding?

Yes to raiding, but not this week. Not playing as much as I thought I might theoretically, and I think that's because I've found working from home exhausting. Learning to break up the time better.

Do you need to vent?

Idiots that don't take this seriously need to get a grip. They could be killing people. I've got a good friend who, if you can believe it, is even older than me, and he was casually galavanting around his usual haunts up until even a week ago. A week before that he had poo pooed my concerns regarding our regularly scheduled meal together. He's got cardio issues! I was worried about infecting him, but after he recounted his adventures, I began to be more concerned that he might be a carrier. SMH.

I think that most folks are past that in my town. There was a lot of resistance early in the month when a huge fitness festival was essentially closed to the public but they had the right idea when they basically said something to the extent that regardless of WHEN they started shutting things down it was going to be "you didn't start soon enough" so why not start as early as they could when they DID know. So I'm happy our politicians in state "get it" and it's bipartisan.

Do what's recommend--for Claude and all the other old folks if not for yourself.


Do you need anything?

If it comes to it, protection. I hope some of you have ammo. (I kid, I kid [he said, laughing nervously].)

Are you ok?

Yes, so far. I'm not at super high risk, but I had pneumonia in my 20s at what was probably the peak of my fitness and I wanted to die. Don't want to face this virus in my 50s. I'm anxious for the world, but I also know this will end. Hope normal doesn't look too different at that point.

It will be interesting to see what, if anything, changes for society after all this. There WILL be an after. I'm not an optimistic person but I find myself truly hoping that GOOD changes come out of this. For people, and the environment.

Sound off. Let your friends know how you're doing. People care about ya!

Thanks for posting Rev. Give my best to your lovely wife.

Of course! It won't be long before we all get to hang out again :)

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