
THAB—Content Vault Edition (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Monday, August 24, 2020, 12:31 (1559 days ago) @ cheapLEY

My point isn’t the actual gear, but the power level. I want to do the new dungeon. I can’t unless I first play whatever mix of activities they determine I can to actually level up. After those are done, i might as well stop because nothing else will give me any substantial progress towards the actual thing I want to do.

The powerful drop system needs to go. If I want to just grind out Crucible, I should be able to do that, but Bungie doesn’t think so. I can’t play the thing I actually want to until I’ve done weeks worth of the chores Bungie has set up.

Well why didn't you say so? I can totally agree that that is frustrating and it does break that. I have never really experienced that though as I play way more casually than you. Even when I was leveling for raids and stuff I was just playing around until I got there. There have been a couple times where I pushed myself to blind raid, but other than that not really.

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