
Cursor vs Tradition Console Navigation (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Thursday, August 21, 2014, 22:24 (3845 days ago) @ Kermit

It's the first four minutes, GV. It's a concise explanation of why the cursor approach works well for this game, and does directly relate to what you've said. If you don't have time to pay attention to what I've posted, that's fine. I'll stop replying.

I have time for your posts, I was only talking about the video. A lot of people approach stuff the same way, I've seen tons of people say "Why didn't you just make it an article? I don't want to watch this" (about informative videos in general). I thought I shouldn't have said anything.... Anyway, to be frank, I don't care what their reasoning is, this is slower and it's not as... enjoyable doesn't seem like the right word, it's a menu, but yeah, it's not as enjoyable. If you or anyone can show me it's not slower I'll eat my words and try to suck it up as far as it bothering me.

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