
Number of times I fought with the interface: (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Monday, August 25, 2014, 23:43 (3752 days ago) @ agdtinman

(separate post because I realized a separate thing going on)
I think part of the problem is probably the cursor itself-- it's a circle, and the area that affects things seems to be a small area in the middle of the circle, and that's not as easy to envision and see as the pointer or arrow cursors that have been standard on PCs for 20 to 30 years. I know a few times I thought (or felt) that putting part of the circle on an item would work and the game reminded me it didn't work by not doing anything. Maybe if they change the shape or even just added crosshairs or something it would feel better.

If there's only 1 thing under the cursor circle, anywhere under the circle, it should select that item. If there are multiple things under the cursor, it reverts to the one closest to, or under, the center point of the circle.

I had no idea it worked that way...

Currently there is a bug where certain instances always revert to just selecting the item with the center point instead of the whole circle, even if it's only 1 item under the cursor.

...and that might be why.
I could've sworn whatever you would select if you pressed A or whatever button, i.e. what you're hovering on, is a little bigger than items of the same class, like if you're hovering on the selected primary weapon icon it's a little bigger than the selected helmet icon, did that not happen? Doing that or something like that would help too, if you didn't already... and now I'm realizing you must have thought of that already....

I did a bunch of research into cursor navigation. Maybe I'll write up an article someday summarizing it. There's lots of cool solutions. We know there's some weird edge-cases, but I'm pretty happy with where it ended up, and super glad we took a chance doing something a little different.

I guess that's that then.

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