
The cursor UI has real problems (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Saturday, August 23, 2014, 12:45 (3754 days ago) @ agdtinman

I agree that it's floaty, but it might just be floaty in comparison to a mouse, and there isn't much to be done about that. One thing that I really like about it is that many times, I could not see the whole screen on my old TV, in menus. This happens in a lot of games, as everything is just made with wider aspect ratios in mind. This is annoyingly prevalent in Destiny, but because the screen scrolls with the cursor, I don't have to worry about things getting cut off at the edges. [I haven't played this on a widescreen, so I don't actually know how it would compare].

Yeah, part of why we do the counter-scrolling so we didn't have to adjust our designs to fit in 4:3 TVs as drastically. 4:3 still makes up a part of our audience, and we were well aware of the restrictions, but could get away with wider designs in some instances because of the scrolling.

The cursor does feel faster in the horizontal direction in 4:3 than in 16:9 because we have to scroll the screen further in order to fit it all. This results in the cursor feeling a bit more "floaty" in 4:3.

Thank you for the insight, I appreciate it. So... is that floatiness fixable? If it is, could you try to fix it, please? or maybe make it adjustable?

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