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Happy Bungie Day!

Swing by and read about the goodies on offer for Bungie Day! The Year 2 Moments of Triumph book is now available, and if you haven't finished the tasks within, you've got until September 20 to do so! New schwag is available in the Bungie Store, and buying it this week nets you a pretty cool in-game emblem. There's plenty more, so go and see! (We have a local copy as well, since this is the standard This Week At Bungie post this week, too.)

Claude Errera | Jul 7, 2016 10:34 am | link

This Week At Bungie - June 30


There is a calm over at Bungie studios right now. One of those calms where you can feel the electricity in the air as the impending storm approaches; which is to say that there's not much in the way of news in this week's update. But with Bungie Day around the corner, you can bet that it won't be the case next week. For now, Iron Banner is here, and Bungie is highlighting the various wolf-packs in the community, Destiny Player Support details the changes coming to Legacy consoles, and Cozmo provides the Elder Champions and MotW clips.

Enjoy the silence, but be sure to pack an umbrella for the next couple of weeks.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Korny | Jul 1, 2016 06:36 am | link

This Week At Bungie - June 23


It's that time again - even a little early, maybe. DeeJ is back on the job, bringing us this week's Update. If you've been anxious to try those recent Hunter changes in Trials of Osiris, then get ready for Hot Fix, which aims to squash a nasty bug that has been cancelling your endgame PvP experiences (Iron Banner also makes a return next week).

Hunter stats, Challenge champs (close week!), Player Support, and three MotW clips round out the update, with a tease of what's to come (Bungie Day!), so check it out! A local copy is available as always (thanks, Claude), if you prefer.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Korny | Jun 23, 2016 11:40 am | link

This Week At Bungie - June 17

It's that time again - even a little late, maybe. Cozmo is on the job, though, and there's a weekly update from Bungie on their website. What's in it, you ask? Well... let's see. The Away Team is in LA, wearing red discussing Rise of Iron. The home team is monitoring changes introduced in your gameplay environment this past Tuesday. Iron Banner is coming next week, folks are experimenting with the new Chroma colors, Elder Champions scores are lower than usual (thanks, Trickle!), and a couple of great videos are presented for your amusement. Go read! (Or locally, if you'd rather.)

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Jun 17, 2016 06:04 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - June 9

As you might expect, the current update from Bungie is focused on The Rise of Iron expansion, coming this fall. (It was revealed this morning, so why WOULDN'T it be the topic of conversation?) Swing by for links to all of the media links released so far (including some sweet new desktops).  The normal stuff is there, too - tidbits from the Destiny Player Support team (new update coming soon), scores from the highest-performing Challenge of Elders players, fun videos. (The 60 second Golgoroth kill is pretty impressive; if Bungie hasn't fixed their link yet, our local archive copy has a corrected one.) Check it out!

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Jun 9, 2016 12:29 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - June 2

The update available this week is light - but still worth reading. Not going to E3? You should watch next week's Twitch stream, then, for more info on what's coming in the fall. Wondering about numbers from last week's Iron Banner? Deej's got 'em for you. Having problems with in-game unlocks? Destiny Player Support has your back. Did you score high in last week's Challenge of Elders? The top 3 teams are listed. Wanna watch some cool vids? Cozmo's got some doozys. (I had no clue you could throw a grenade through that slot on Dungeons...) Go read! Thanks, CyberKN. We have a local version, as usual.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Jun 2, 2016 02:15 pm | link

This Week at Bungie - May 26

The weekly report out of Bungie headquarters this week is a summary of what we've seen in the last few days: a new Ride-Along,  a new hotfix, a new Iron Banner, help with in-game Roster problems, details of the high scorers this week in the Challenge of Elders, and some great fan-made movies. Go give it a read! (We have a local copy as well, if you need it.)

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | May 27, 2016 01:13 am | link

This Week At Bungie - May 19

Swing by Bungie to read the latest weekly update (or find it in our local archive) - it's got some important info. The biggest bit is the fact that a bug found recently in the way the Cocoon perk works has caused this weekend's Trials of Osiris (and possibly next week's Iron Banner) to be cancelled - stay tuned for info on when things will be back to normal. Even if you don't play either one of those modes, go give it a read - there's a look back at yesterday's Raid-Along (I'm sorry I didn't make that pun myself this morning), along with high scores for this week's Challenge of Elders, help tips and hints, and some fun videos. ('Nova-Bummed' made me laugh out loud.) Go read!

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | May 19, 2016 03:50 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - May 12

Today's update from Bungie covers some interesting topics; there's a recap of yesterday's Twitch stream, in which Bungie artists hold forth on the beauty of the Destiny universe... there are some previews of upcoming Destiny Companion features that will make it easier to find playing companions... there's info on the latest updates to the multiplayer code (are your melees hitting better now?)... and there are a couple of great fan-generated videos. Go read! (It's also local, as usual, if you need it.)

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | May 12, 2016 02:56 pm | link

This Week at Bungie - May 6

Melee Update Header

Likely recovering from the Cinco de Mayo hangovers, the folks over at Bungie have given us a pretty light update this week:
  • A reminder of the upcoming melee fix (scheduled for activation on May 10, but the fix itself was included in the update released a few days ago).
  • Information on the rest of this month's scheduled Twitch streams.
  • Some Update-based troubleshooting info from Destiny Player Support.
  • The highest-scoring teams on the melee-themed Challenge of the Elders (all hailing from the same clan!).
  • And a couple of entertaining clips (including a solo Crota's End completion in just over eight minutes!).
As always, a local version is also available. Pop those knuckles, Guardians!
TAGS: bwu, twab
Korny | May 6, 2016 11:07 am | link

This Week At Bungie - April 28

This week, Bungie wants to tell you about a new Destiny update, deploying next week, fixing a melee bug. (Yay!) There are more details in the weekly summary, along with reminders about Iron Banner, details about Challenge of Elders high scores, and fan-made movies. And some rumor-squashing, when it comes to release dates of upcoming content. Go read! If you'd rather, we have a local copy.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Apr 28, 2016 02:51 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - April 21

The weekly recap from Bungie is light this time around - it focuses on Iron Banner, which drops again on Tuesday. This iteration is Clash-based, and a bunch of behind-the-scenes work should make it more rewarding than the last few runs. Read the update for all the details! There's also some interesting stats from the first week of Challenge of Elders, more details from the Help team, and some cool videos. Check it all out! (Local version, as usual, if you need it.) 

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Apr 21, 2016 01:29 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - April 14

As you might expect right after a game update, the weekly summary from Bungie focuses on that update. Some fun tweets showing off cool armor already acquired by fans, some bug status updates, and issues fans have run up against make up the majority of what's there. Cozmo's curated film clips round out the package (totally worth watching!). Go give it a read! We have a local copy, of course.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Apr 14, 2016 03:03 pm | link

This Week at Bungie - April 7

There wasn't a whole lot of new information in today's "This Week at Bungie" -- mostly just a recap of yesterday's live stream, and some info about Bungie/Destiny-related offerings at the upcoming Emerald City Comicon (for those of you in the Seattle area).

Side-note: can anybody tell me where to get the amazing t-shirt that the lady warlock is wearing in that tweet at the top of the update?!!

As always, you can check out the local copy here if that's your preference.

[you win this time, Speed - ce]

Update Preview

To make up for a somewhat anemic TWAB (or THAB, if you prefer), however, the dev team also posted a very lengthy preview of the weapon balance and ammo economy changes coming in the April Update.  This preview really gets down to the gritty details of what changes we can expect for our favorite weapons.  I highly recommend checking it out, especially if you want to see just how ridiculously, overdominatingly prevalent the usage of Mida Multitool and 1000-Yard Stare have been in the Crucible lately. We have a local copy, as usual.

Speedracer513 | Apr 7, 2016 07:09 pm | link


Chroma Hero

This week's update consists of Chroma collectibles, content clarifications, and of course, a couple of Cozmo's collected clips. There's a recap of the Twitch Stream's reveals (as well as a Youtube version available for viewing), and quality images of the new PoE/Faction gear. There's also a chat with community member Datto, answering some lingering questions and concerns. Claude's always-reliable local version is available as well!
TAGS: bwu, twab
Korny | Mar 31, 2016 03:13 pm | link


Blighted Chalice

The meat of this week's update consists of recaps, images, and clarifications regarding this week's Prison of Elders stream, as well as plenty of information on Tuesday's return of Iron Banner. Relevant player support links and Cozmo's favorite clips of the week are available as well. Thanks to Blackt1g3r for kicking off the discussion on the forum. [Bottlewasher edit: Korny's new here, so he's forgiven for not noticing the local version before posting. But it's there, if you need it.]

TAGS: bwu, twab
Korny | Mar 24, 2016 02:38 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - March 17

Another week, another update - Bungie has posted the latest summary on their website (and we've put a local copy up in our Archive). Give it a read for a roadmap of the near future (changes will be detailed in streaming sessions, also listed in this update), along with goodies for Twitch fans, a summary of this week's Bungie Bounty event, answers from the Help team, and some cool movies. Get set for next week! Discuss on our forum, thanks to CruelLEGACEY.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Mar 17, 2016 03:49 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - March 11

Sound design, soundtracks, sounds of battle - go check out this week's recap on (or in our own archive) for the latest from Bungie's wordsmiths! Also, some fun videos.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Mar 11, 2016 03:56 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - March 3

Yesterday, Bungie posted their latest weekly summary - it contains an archive of the first Bungie Ridealong since their Twitch studio went live (fascinating watch, discussing the Dreadnaught and how the designers thought about you when they built it), info about a new Hotfix dropping next week, player support hints, and some great movies of the week. Local, as well, of course. Go read it!

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Mar 4, 2016 10:55 am | link

This Week at Bungie - Feb 25

Yesterday, Bungie summarized their progress for the past week (and hinted at upcoming activities) in the latest missive on Details about how their Twitch.TV channel is going to work, help for folks needing help, and some cool fan-created movies make up the bulk. As always, we have a local copy. Go read!

TAGS: twab, bwu
Claude Errera | Feb 26, 2016 09:25 am | link

This Week At Bungie (and more!)

The latest weekly update at Bungie is live - visit to see their new streaming studio, get details about next week's Iron Banner, and see fun community vids. While you're there, notice the update that as a whole has received, and take a look at the patch notes explaining today's minor game update (basically, they added the ability to give you a free ghost if you played Crimson Days last week). Both the update and the patch notes are local, as usual.

Claude Errera | Feb 18, 2016 03:31 pm | link

This Week At Bungie - Feb 11

This Week At Bungie, there's an announcement of upcoming content - a "large expansion" later this year, and "a full Destiny sequel" in 2017. Nice! There's also some info about matchmaking in Crimson Doubles, some extra info about the Crimson Days event, and the traditional fan content. Go give it a full read! (Comments can be directed to the forum thread started by CyberKN.) As usual, there's a local copy.

TAGS: bwu, twab
Claude Errera | Feb 11, 2016 02:43 pm | link

Bungie Weekly Upd... Err... This Week At Bungie!

The Bungie Weekly Update has had a name change! In This Week At Bungie, DeeJ and a few other Bungie employees cover some of the big changes coming in the February update next Tuesday. Just to mention a couple: Special Ammo changes are coming in 3v3 playlists and Ogres will lost the ability to teleport! Go read it to see the rest (or view it locally)!

TAGS: bwu, twab
Xenos | Feb 4, 2016 03:05 pm | link

Bungie Weekly Update - Red Edition

The Bungie Weekly Update is live now (later than usual, so as to be able to include information about the recent tweaks to Iron Banner Matchmaking), and the bulk of it focuses on the upcoming Crimson Days event (live February 9). Study the Event page on, and get a few extra details in the Weekly Update! There's also a pretty impressive video showing off a solo Skolas kill... using melee attacks only. Defender 4 lyfe! As usual, you can read a local version, if you so choose. 

TAGS: bwu
Claude Errera | Jan 29, 2016 04:35 pm | link

A BWU for the new year

After a month-long hiatus, the Bungie Weekly Update is back - and this update is full of upcoming goodies. News about Crimson Days (the Valentines-themed takeover of the Tower arriving on February 9), Crimson Doubles (a new playlist available in February), and the next iteration of the Iron Banner (focused on Rift, this time around) are all on the near horizon. There's also a Q&A with Lars Bakken about Crucible matching, bits from the Destiny Player Support Team, and some great Movies of the Week entries. Oh, and a cute puppy. Go explore! It's local, too, of course. And there's discussion on our forum! (Thanks, CyberKN.)

TAGS: bwu
Claude Errera | Jan 21, 2016 02:52 pm | link

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