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TWID 5-9-24

This Week's TWID In Destiny has a little something for everyone. Read all the details or watch the videos. Or both...who am I to judge. Learn about the new Prismatic subclass that is coming and how it can work with Exotic class items. A new trailer showcasing the new PvP maps. Plus other topics!
- More info about the new Exotic class items.
- New boss profile for The Pantheon.
- The red border weapons bonanza is here!
- Zero Hour arrives next week.
- Check out our new PvP maps trailer.
- Enjoy Destiny 2: Expansion Open Access now through June 3!
- The Gauntlet returns for its 10th anniversary
- It's AANHPI Heritage Month.
Read it in our archive.
ManKitten | May 9, 2024 11:58 am |
TWID 5-2-24

This week's TWID in Destiny has some yummy updates on the new Crucible map pack. One of them looks so fancy you'll feel like a socialite in an Ivory Tower! Here's the rundown.
- PVP map pack launch.
- The Pantheon boss profiles.
- The Pantheon Bungie Rewards.
- New Rahool reputation and Exotic system.
- The Final Shape shader icon revamp.
- PvP Strike Team update.
- Superblack shader now available.
- Windows 7 and 8 deprecation.
Read the full update
in our archive.
ManKitten | May 3, 2024 06:04 am |
TWID 4-25-24

This Week's TWID In Destiny is pretty beefy, if you love chewing on stat and data based information! Trailers and wallpapers for the Final Shape and new enemies if your eyes love chewing on pretty things.
- How Power works in The Final Shape.
- Pantheon starts next week.
- A new modifier arrives in PvP.
- Iron Banner final week approaches.
- Dress to impress: Cosplay Cosmodrome is here!
- The Archie Plush is available again.
Visit our forum to discuss this update.
ManKitten | Apr 26, 2024 06:23 am |
TWID 2-29-24 - Guardian Games

It's time for the Guardian Games! There's a new vehicle type to earn this time that looks like it could be pretty fun. Go rep your main class and don't forget to do a kick flip.
You can read the update in our archive.
- Guardian Games All-Stars arrives in style.
- Guardian Games Cup is back!
- Update 7.3.5 coming on March 5.
- The Witch Queen, available with PlayStation Plus next week.
- Our weekly Player Support Report.
- The Artist and Movie of the Week winners.
ManKitten | Mar 1, 2024 05:59 am |
TWID 8-17-23

It's been a week! It has been a week. (It's been two weeks). The latest TWID is up as we round the corner to August 22nd. Here's what you can read about
in our archive.
- Guardians for Maui - Support for Hawaii.
- A little Showcase teaser, as a treat.
- Twitch Drop it like it's hot on August 22.
- Epic Moments trailer goodness and an added Season 22 surprise.
- A reminder of everything we've shared about Season 22 thus far.
- Season 22 Weapons Preview recap.
- Pick up your gear!
- Increased reputation gains all week.
- Regional pricing update.
- Player Support report.
- #Destiny2AOTW and #Destiny2MOTW picks.
ManKitten | Aug 18, 2023 06:05 am |
TWID 8-3-23

This Week's TWID In Destiny is pretty light as a lot of info was dropped in the
State of the Game post earlier this week. Topics this week include:
- State of the Game is here!
- Solstice reminders and updates.
- Trials community map winner.
- Player Support's weekly report.
- The community Art of the Week and Movie of the Week picks.
Go read it in our Archive!
ManKitten | Aug 4, 2023 12:27 pm |
State of the Game - August 2023

Bungie posted a State of the Game article on their website. There are some big changes coming that will effect Ritual Challenges, Crucible, Gambit, armor and more. Plus some discussion about plans and goals for the upcoming year in Destiny 2.
Go check it out!
ManKitten | Aug 3, 2023 09:38 am |
TWID 7-27-23

This week in Destiny, they're donning some sweet glow action to praise the sun, talking about upcoming economy changes and the philosophy of Warden's Law, and celebrating accessibility in games.
- Raid date time? Raid date time.
- Veil Containment behind the scenes.
- Let's talk Warden's Law.
- It's week-two of Solstice, let's go!
- Economy overhaul recap, plus a nod to Dead Man's Tale.
- Time to vote on a map. (Not that I'm pushing for Cathedral or anything...)
- A win for accessibility, and we're just getting started.
- Art of the Week and Movie of the Week selections.
Read it in our archive.
ManKitten | Jul 27, 2023 02:56 pm |
TWID 7-20-23

Errybody get yer TWID on! As we enter the dog days, the Summer Solstice event begins. Here's the rundown for This Week's TWID In Destiny.
- A quick catch-up on Solstice 2023.
- Our next Developer Insights article is around the corner.
- The winner of the Bungie Foundation community emblem contest.
- Is that... is that Ghost!?
- Two Trials weapons are leaving the loot pool soon.
- The new Solstice sunglasses are here.
- Prime Gaming Rewards are back.
- The weekly Destiny Player Report.
- Our community's always amazing Art of the Week and Movie of the Week.
Read it in our archive.
ManKitten | Jul 20, 2023 02:43 pm |

Welcome to TWIDder. The latest social media site where you can get the latest news about Destiny. This week, Bungie Twids about:
- Bungie Day Giving Festival Information.
- Mid-Season preview, now with Crucible updates.
- Witherhoard ornament winner.
- Season 21 Exotic catalyst info.
- Solstice starts next week.
- Fishing derby winners.
- Player Support Report.
- Art of the Week and Movie of the Week winners.
- Showcase save the date and Hung Jury reminders.
Check it out in our archive!
ManKitten | Jul 14, 2023 09:10 am |
TWID 7-6-23

This Week's TWID In Destiny is
up in our archive. As of this posting date, it's Bungie Day! Go see what that means for you.
You won't believe what they've done to weapon tuning. Click here to see more!
This one fishing secret that local moms DON'T want you to know.
There's community submissions, but nobody expected this!
ManKitten | Jul 7, 2023 11:00 am |
TWID 6-22-23

This Week's TWID In Destiny is pretty light.
- Throne World fishing rally.
- Bungie Day Giving Festival announcement.
- What's new from our Player Support Team.
- Weekly #Destiny2AOTW and #Destiny2MOTW picks.
As always, read it in our archive.
ManKitten | Jun 22, 2023 02:15 pm |
TWID 6-15-23

It's Twidsday everyone! Gather 'round to see what's new in Destiny.
- Pride at Bungie 2023 recap and a free emote.
- A nice little sandbox Q&A to dive a little bit deeper into some of the most frequent burning questions.
- Iron Banner is back next week with Eruption.
- Fashion contest picks for #DrownInTheDrip.
- PlayStation x Destiny 2 crossover art roundup.
- What's new from our Player Support Team with a new PSR.
- Weekly #Destiny2AOTW and #Destiny2MOTW picks.
Your eyes will thank you to partake in our archive.
ManKitten | Jun 16, 2023 11:00 am |
TWID 6/8/23

This Week's TWAB At Bungie, as we know it, is NO MORE. So instead, please welcome....
This Week's TWID In Destiny has been posted. The handy dandy TL;DR is as follows.
- A new name for the TWAB.
- Ready for a new Community Fashion Contest?
- Grandmasters will be back on June 13.
- And Supremacy, too.
- You all owe Kalli an apology.
- Preview of some fixes.
- Collaboration art!
- The usual Player Support Report, and our AOTW and MOTW picks.
Go read it in our archived!
ManKitten | Jun 12, 2023 06:33 am |
TWAB 6-1-23

last week's TWAB didn't get posted. Nothing major happened last week though....right? Anyway. This Week's TWAB At Bungie is up. The rundown is as follows.
- Ghosts of the Deep recap.
- Dungeon-themed items in the Bungie Store.
- Pride@Bungie announcement.
- Prime Gaming update.
- The weekly update from the Player Support Team.
- Weekly Art of the Week and Movie of the week picks.
Go read it in our archive!
ManKitten | Jun 1, 2023 08:51 pm |
TWAB 5-18-23

This Week's TWAB At Bungie is about, you guessed it, upcoming season 21. Here's the rundown of the post.
- An overview of all major changes coming with Season 21.
- A first look at the three new Strand Aspects.
- An in-depth preview of the Seasonal Artifact.
- An update to how enemy shields look.
- A note from the Engineering Team.
- Updated standings of the Guardian Games and Guardian Games Cup.
- Introducing Asians@Bungie!
- The new Twitch Bounty emblem.
Read it in our archive.
ManKitten | May 19, 2023 06:13 am |
TWAB 5-12-23

Bungie is pretty much all about Season 21. There's a wee little teaser to watch, some exotic ornaments to see, an underwater environment to dip your toe into, plus more! Oh, and Titans are destroying in Guardian Games....not that I'm bitter about it or anything.
Give it a read in our archive!
ManKitten | May 12, 2023 02:23 pm |
TWAB 4-27-23

This Week's TWAB At Bungie has been posted. Guardian Games, trial map voting, strand updates, cosplay reference information, exotic ornament winner and community highlights. Thursday Thursday THURSDAY!!
ManKitten | Apr 28, 2023 09:51 am |
TWAB 4-20-23

We are late on the April 20th TWAB because of...uuuhhh....reasons. But This Week's TWAB At Bungie discusses the midseason patch, a new exotic weapon ornament, Iron Banner and your weekly community segments.
Dig it in our archive.
ManKitten | Apr 24, 2023 10:56 am |
TWAB 4-6-23

This Week's TWAB At Bungie is somewhat light. They recap this weeks earlier "Reflection" post, talk about some weapon changes, and guess what? Bungie's Youtube channel now contains cutscenes from many seasons!
Go view it in our archive.
ManKitten | Apr 7, 2023 02:55 pm |
TWAB 2-23-23

This Week's TWAB At Bungie is up. They recalled all the media releases of the past week, discussed Crucible updates, many changes to your Guardian lifestyle plus all the changes that effect how you play the game. Follow the banner to read it in our Archives.
ManKitten | Feb 24, 2023 06:03 am |
TWAB 2-16-23

This weeks TWAB at Bungie is up. They even provided their own TL;DR. View it on Bungie HERE or in our Update Archive
- Journey Through Darkness trailer.
- The ViDoc.
- Season 19 ending cinematic.
- Destiny 2 x SteelSeries.
- Transmog for your desktop (wallpapers).
- Lightfall ritual weapon reveal (and ornaments).
ManKitten | Feb 17, 2023 06:30 am |
TWAB 2-2-23

This Week at Bungie recaps the recent gear video and dives a little deeper into some new weapons. If you love blue engrams, you might be a little sad. Learn a bit about the "Black At Bungie" Inclusion Club. Place a vote for the next Trials of Osiris map. Player support and community submissions. All that and more!! Click
HERE to read it at Bungie or click the banner above to view it in the DBO archives.
ManKitten | Feb 2, 2023 12:55 pm |
Season 20 Weapon Tuning

There's an update on Bungie discussing weapon updates for the upcoming season. Topics include updates to weapon archetypes, exotics, perks and hints on future tweaks. Click the banner to read, then
discuss it on our forum.
ManKitten | Feb 1, 2023 02:36 pm |

Today begins the second annual #Game2Give charity event in support of the Bungie Foundation and Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. They are kicking things off with a streaming marathon so stop by and help them reach their donation goals. You can see the streaming schedule, milestone rewards and donation incentives. CHECK IT OUT.
UPDATE: Bungie has reached their first milestone of $250K and released concept art for the Dawning Titan Universal Armor Ornament. The $500K milestone was also met, which gave us the Warlock Ornament.
UPDATE: The 750K milestone was reached so the Hunter armor was released.
UPDATE: The 1M milestone was reached and Bungie showed us an upcoming fusion rifle.

ManKitten | Dec 9, 2020 12:07 pm |