
Adopt the Doctrine of Ignorance. (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Thursday, May 17, 2018, 09:00 (2181 days ago) @ Malagate

I recently had an epiphany while playing: Destiny is in such a state that the less I'm invested, the more fun I have. I come to it completely uninformed and it makes everything a surprise. Learning what the changes are from engaging with my fellow DBOers ingame has been much more enjoyable than digging through reddit posts or watching videos of someone else's gameplay on Youtube.

I think this is testament to both the decisions made on implementing aspects of D2; but also the state of the culture. YMMV, but it's been a beneficial shift in perspective for me.


Heh, maybe this is why I still have fun piddling around in Destiny. I never have any idea what's going on. So what everyone else is calling grinding, it's just my daily routine.

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