
If Bnet is down, here's the content of the update: (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Friday, May 18, 2018, 08:55 (2180 days ago) @ Cody Miller

BUT, in Cody's case, he thinks that having to do any activity other than a single run through of the campaign missions in order to be ready to raid means that it is a BS progression system and super grindy. So pushing back the raid lair launch wouldn't have mattered. He doesn't want to have to do any extra playing.

Correct. There should be a path to the raid that you can reach by only playing new content and not replaying anything. I don’t know why they don’t release a 350 and a 370 version at launch. The hardcore can do the 370. The rest can do the 350 and not have to grind. The best part of the game was locked behind bullshit. Then they fixed that and it was great. Now they locked it behind bullshit again.


Why wouldn't this just be considered a final level to the campaign then?

There's clearly been a substantial amount of effort put in to make Destiny more accessible; much to the chagrin of the "hardcore". You of all people arguing for a low bar to Raid because you don't feel it's worth it anymore when it was worth it before is majorly moving the goal posts.

Funny how you're STILL arguing the same way you always have; albeit somehow moreso.

There should be a light level version of the raid which can be reached without grinding. There should also be a higher light level version for the hardcore. Not a hard concept.

Except that all meta balancing and tweaks would then have to be run at both levels to ensure one can't be cheesed over the other. This would push back release, at a minimum.

Grinding to play VoG was worth it because it was such a unique experience. Now the language of raids is known, so I can no longer tolerate grinding to do it. But I also will only try it blind. If I can’t do that, I just won’t do it and that’s it.

Such a loss, really. Shame they can't thread that needle for you, while you wave it around.


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