
If Bnet is down, here's the content of the update: (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Monday, May 21, 2018, 07:41 (2178 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I don't want to have to grind anymore. That's the point. You could do the raids in Dark Below (maybe), Taken King, Rise of Iron, Destiny 2, and Curse of Osiris with no grind whatsoever. Now you can't. It's a giant step backwards in my opinion, and they are losing me.

What happened to the days when YOU, Cody Miller, found your own fun (I'm assuming it was fun for you, I guess) doing things like speed runs and finding secrets? Are you just a grumpy old entitled gamer now, that demands an experience tailored to your desires?

There are more than a few people I played D1 closely with that have drifted away from Bungie entirely since, because they leaned way too hard into the grind and felt jilted afterwards. Maybe you're one of them. I dunno. But I DO know that I'm still having fun; the buffet is still piled high with goodness; and there are still good people to enjoy it all with.

I wish people would stop focusing on the grind itself and just play. Why not try a little detachment and see if that allows you to enjoy yourself?

Because I truly believe you and I are similarly dedicated fans, but you don't seem like you're having fun most of the time.


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