
*[caveat] (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, May 21, 2018, 10:31 (2177 days ago) @ Harmanimus

I’m not ragging on group storytelling. I worldbuild as a hobby. But I just consider it disingenuous to describe DnD as something it isn’t to bring down something that is of similar mold.

I disagree that that's not what D&D was / is about. The stats were always incidental, not the main focus. Storytelling was always the goal. You just needed a framework because it had to mediate player participation over many sessions (thus leveling mechanics to simulate character improvement and mastery). At least in my opinion.

You mentioned other varieties that are less mechanically heavy. What would you recommend? I have no interest in sticking rigidly to the rules.

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