
Guess I have to ditch iron banner (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, January 16, 2015, 10:31 (3401 days ago)

I wanted to play some iron banner and maybe get and roll some good perks on weapons. I can;t anymore. Do you know why? BECAUSE XUR ISN'T SELLING HEAVY AMMO. I have 100 glimmer and no ammo packs. I was hoping to stock up for the Hard mode raid today with coins, then continue Iron Banner. NOPE.

Because glimmer is so fucking hard and boring to get, I now have to go get glimmer to buy ammo packs if I want to conceivably do the raid. No time for iron banner.

This is fucking bullshit, and this is the type of shit that makes this game so frustrating and awful.

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