Distinguishing between criticism and misrepresenting reality (Destiny)

by ckamp, Friday, January 16, 2015, 15:00 (3400 days ago) @ SonofMacPhisto

It looks like people are approaching this from different views. Cody and Macphisto are suggesting that the economic systems in place aren't good for the game. That might be right. I'm not convinced one way or the other.

Beardfade is looking at the system as it exists and saying that Cody should have known better. The system wasn't hiding anything from him. I don't hear Beardfade arguing that the economy is the bestest thing ever. I do hear him saying: think!

There's a lot of crap in Destiny, and Cody is damn good at pointing it out.

I agree. I value Cody's contributions to this board, but he is often wrong about a lot of things in my opinion and his post was begging to be deconstructed. It isn't that Cody shouldn't criticize the game. It is that he shouldn't pretend that the game was behaving deceptively when the outcomes were clearly under his control. He was opportunistically using this scenario to highlight a pet peeve of his. Fair. But he didn't frame it that way. Instead, he framed it as though he had to rearrange his life because Bungie somehow swindled him. That isn't true and Beardfade called him on it.

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