Are you not hoarding your glimmer consumables\rewards? (Destiny)

by Raflection, Friday, January 16, 2015, 11:53 (3401 days ago) @ Revenant1988

My Vault currently has about 40+ Silken Codexs, 20+ House Banners, and less axiomatic beads\network keys but still in the double digits.

I get them, I vault them. I save them for a rainy day. It's helped me out more than once for those unplanned droughts etc.

I treat my vault like a bank.

Everything in Destiny is Random.

You know this.

You can't plan\assume things are going to be the same week to week!

^This is EXACTLY how the vault and consumables should be used. :highfive: for clever gaming, glad I'm not the only person who does this.

Also; You get glimmer rewards for winning IB games, so.. Just play IB increase your rank + glimmer + exp on weps + faction standing (if you still get faction + IB ranks) all at the same time.

Also, also; I'm at 25k glimmer ATM. Farming exclusion zone will make you 4k per 10 mins if you do it right.
I agree with the others here Cody, go farm, get glimmer, carry on with IB.

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