
Do YOU enjoy playing the Crucible alone? (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, August 29, 2016, 19:27 (3135 days ago) @ Claude Errera

No, and to be completely honest, I'm enjoying it less and less with friends as time goes on.

I'm sure I sound like a broken record at this point, but for me, Sniper rifles have gone from being an annoyance to borderline ruining the game for me (at times). I'm just sick of being quickscoped by run-and-gun snipers who are able to pull of the most insane insta-headshots, or spending the entire match dealing with campers who are able to hit headshot after headshot despite the fact that I'm hitting them in the face with Mida or Jade Rabbit or whatever. I don't hold it against the players who are able to do this... it requires skill, no doubt about it. It just seems like a skill that trumps all others. As someone who's never enjoyed sniping, it frustrates me to no end that there really is no good reliable way to counter snipers other than out-sniping them. And the more time goes by, the better those uber-snipers continue to get.

lol - and I've been playing with someone this past week who's been saying almost every night that Shotguns should be removed from the game. It's all about what you DON'T have, not what you do. ;)

So if snipers are out, and shotguns are out, then that leaves…

I am totally okay with that :-)

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