
THE MINI POST:: Soapbox of Blades (Beta) (Fan Creations)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Monday, October 23, 2017, 09:01 (2642 days ago) @ INSANEdrive
edited by INSANEdrive, Monday, October 23, 2017, 09:04

(A.k.A – There is no such thing as too many .gifs)

As a Warlock Main, I’m Furious! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! TO THINK BUNGIE WOULD DARE! Alright, so I’m gettin’ on this soapbox, because this bothered me. In short, Warlock me felt jipped in this department. Of all the things that… alright Eff it. I’ve made this long enough. What is it!? What is it that made INSANEdrive say:”As a Warlock Main, I’m Furious! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! TO THINK BUNGIE WOULD DARE! Alright, so I’m gettin’ on this soapbox, because this bothered me. In short, Warlock me felt jipped in this department. Of all the things that… alright Eff it. I’ve made this long enough. What is it!? What is it that made INSANEdrive say...”


Swords. (As if the dozen or so gifs below didn't distract you into the obvious.)

It’s swords. Not just any swords mind you, its the class exclusive ones. They have cool attributes to them – BUT THEY AREN'T EXOTIC. As such, they are simply some of the most fun weapons in the game to use.



With “Quickfang”, the Hunter “katana” is all about speed and is made to truly embellish that. Not only does using it impart a unique “ninja cliché” running animation for this one sword – which I swear somehow makes using this weapon 1000X more fun, but also has the perk “En Gard”, which gives a damage boost when you switch to it. SO much fun.

[image] [image]



With “Crown Splitter”, which admittedly looks abit like The Master Sword, is the Titan Claymore Broadsword, is all about Power. It currently is the ONLY sword with a “Aggressive Frame”. This sword also has a unique animation, where the Titan SLAMS the sword to… well… “Crown Splitter” with AOE damage. Very cool.



Then there is “Eternity’s Edge”, the Warlock Sword. It’s blue. And gold. It’s blue and gold. It, in all honesty is a right good sword. Good perks and all, but there is no reason why this sword is Warlock only. It is not a “THAT IS SO A WARLOCK SWORD”. Unlike the other classes, there is no animation, or really any thing fancy about it other then the surface looks. So then it’s blue. And… and gold. SO. Yea?

As a Warlock Main, I’m Furious! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! TO THINK BUNGIE WOULD DARE! Alright, so I’m gettin’ on this soapbox, because this bothered me. In short, Warlock me felt jipped in this department. Of all the things that… alright Eff it. I’ve made this long enough. What is it!? What is it that would make INSANEdrive say: “THAT IS SO A WARLOCK SWORD”

Hunters are Stealthy & Speedy, Titans are Hard Hitting & Powerful, so I'm thinking Defensive & Disciplined. So what kind of sword would be best with this? No-no, Swords.


Double Scimitars or Dao swords, through I'm personally more for the Scimitars as the curved blade would make for a better silhouette. Unlike the other two, wielding these weapons means the the Warlock can't use Grenades or a Class Ability while welding, and single strikes are comparatively weak by default but very very distracting with the amount of damage it could absorb and then inflict back - which by the way would have a unique animation for. Or even, Keep damage low and have the absorbed damaged add to the ammo. Either way... sounds like fun, and it would have it's own style of play.


Defend, Build Damage, Attack, Repeat.


You miss? It resets. So don't miss.


Ok... that's enough of all this. Yes, of COURSE the .gifs were totally necessary. Duh. >_>


|||Cat Tax|||

Seriously though. This is all the stuff I had written down. There would have been more, but I have other things, far more important things I need to spend my time on. I thank you for reading all of this (presuming that is what you just did).

Let me know your thoughts of this and all the past parts of this Mini Post in the comments. Thank You ALL! :D

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