I disagree with a fundamental part of this. (Fan Creations)

by marmot 1333 @, Wednesday, October 25, 2017, 15:40 (2646 days ago) @ Funkmon

In Destiny 1, you did need to keep playing to get the best stuff, in much the same way you need to keep working to make more money. This is good.

What do you mean by the best stuff? Gear you like, or the power of the gear? In D1 I frequently had gear I liked but it was not high enough level to allow me to be effective in the activities I wanted to play.

In D2 it is much easier to collect all the things and then upgrade all the things, giving you more selection of which high-power tools you want to use. At various points in D1 I had the opportunity to upgrade a very, very small selection of things, and I had to wear my highest power things if I wanted to keep getting better things. I wasn't a fan of that--it felt limiting.

That's where you're wrong. I don't want to use any guns in Destiny 2.

That's a different point. It follows that if there aren't any guns you want, you're never going to get any guns that you want.
I prefer the D2 system of having more opportunites to upgrade more gear, instead of having to choose a precious few objects to infuse. There are quite a few guns I enjoy using, and I feel like there is more of a chance for me to give everything a shot because it is easy to upgrade something if I end up liking it.

In D2 if you play a lot, you get lots of things, so you would have a wider selection of gear to choose from than someone who plays almost none at all. In other words, I disagree with you.

I have played almost none at all, and I have all the guns anybody else has with the exception of a few exotics. I agree with me.

Hmm. I've played quite a bit and there are still legendaries and exotics that I don't have.

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