
Resources. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, December 28, 2017, 09:37 (2632 days ago) @ Harmanimus

I would like to say i appreciate the perspective that you understand bringing your own paste favorable experiences and memories in with you to your gaming experience. I have in the past found myself enjoying things more due to a familiarity that might not be the best fit for someone else. As a separate example, my appreciation of Horizon Zero Dawn is much greater than what i have for Breath of the Wild and no small part because of how some aspects felt very strongly like New Tomb Raider. But you kinda lose me here:

I’d still much rather play literally any Bungie Halo level than any Destiny story mission.

I cannot fathom wanting to play Floodgate or Quarantine Zone over King of the Mountain or Eye of A Gate Lord or 1AU. Not even touching on strikes or Raids in that regard.

I think it is fair that overall the Halo Campaigns have a better track record than Destiny story missions, but anyone suggesting that they are invariably more enjoyable than Destiny missions does me a boggle.

Okay, that's a fair point, I guess. I like one of those levels (whichever one had the big vehicle segment, with Flood infested Warthogs driving around). So exclude two levels (The Library) from my statement, and then it's completely true. I'd rather play any Halo level except one, any Halo 2 level except one, and any Halo level from any Bungie Halo game (and most 343i Halo levels, too) than any Destiny mission.

I think Destiny suffers from lack of vehicles and lack of friendly AI. It feels like a rote shooting gallery by comparison to Halo.

I really do try to approach Destiny on its own terms. And I really enjoy Destiny. But I don't think Destiny holds up its end of the bargain when it tries to do the Halo thing. It gives us so much more than Halo does in its connected nature, public spaces, and raids, and I would hold up some strikes as comparable to some good Halo missions, but it's campaign missions do very little for me, and I think I'd be happier if Destiny stopped trying to do so many things at once and instead focused down a little bit.

Again, I love Destiny. I liked playing through the campaign, I think it was a fun experience. It just isn't as good as it obviously could be, and it makes up such a small percentage of my play time, that I have to wonder if its worth it. I honestly have mixed feelings on the whole thing, and I really have a hard time articulating those feelings.

I just know that Destiny feels to me like a game that's caught in a weird in between, like it's not quite sure what type of game it wants to be.

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