
From the Update | I Feel the NEED... (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, February 02, 2018, 08:25 (2430 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

This I would consider to be the fault of the super user, almost everything after that is how well the other team plays.

I think there is a risk/reward balance with this sort of thing, and Destiny leans too far to one direction for my personal taste. Meaning, I don't think there is enough risk involved with activating a super, and I think the rewards are too easily attained. But that said, I think D2 is striking a pretty good overall balance around supers at the moment, in the crucible. Because of how rare they are, and because they're not quite as unstoppable as they were in D1, I often feel like I have a chance at stopping them if I play really smart. And sometimes I manage to do it, and that leads to the most fun moments I've had in D2 crucible. I just hope that the faster super recharge will not turn the game into the all-out super spam that we had in D1, that's all :)

I agree with where supers are at in terms of frequency. I just wish you could keep the timing but somehow make it so that supers could be popped more offten. Once, maybe twice is very little for a single game. But the only way I can see them doing that without making it a super-fest is to extend the length of the game.

I like supers because, as you said they are kinda a guaranteed way to kill people. But technically so is heavy ammo. It's just more so in the way of Supers. So if you managed to, most likely as a team, shut down a super then that is a big win for your team. It kinda feels the same way that Heavy was in D1. If the other team got both heavy drops or you manages to out kill them with your heavy, that could heavily sway the game. Same with supers, if you team shoot and kill a super before they can use it, or you kill them with your super then it heavily sways the game. The difference is that now you have more options to shut down supers in D2. This style of game I like and I know it's not for everyone.

Going back to the timing of supers. The one thing I regret is that if one team shuts down the other team's supers to gain an advantage, there is not enough time to to it back to the other team. The game is already over before a second chance happens. That is my only regret.

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