I feel like I can't really explain myself sometimes. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Friday, February 02, 2018, 09:35 (2430 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

The real point I'm trying to make is separate from the actual number of kills that any one of us typically gets with their average super activation...

The point *I* was trying to make was that Supers are NOT 'Win Buttons' - not even close. In D1, the activation time of a super was either shorter, or there was a period of invulnerability associated with it, so that you could be in a firefight with someone, be winning, and they could turn it around by activating their super and beating you. That simply doesn't happen any more. If you're in the middle of a fight, and you're losing, activating your super is a good way to GUARANTEE your death. It's just not fast enough any more. On top of that, almost every super has counters that players can learn and implement - absolutely if a Titan smashes you from around a corner, you're gonna die, but in most cases you can run, you can sacrifice yourself for the good of your team, you can choose the right weapon to maximize your chances. (And you even know, at all times, EXACTLY HOW MANY SUPERS the enemy team has ready to use! It's no longer a surprise when it's coming to the end of a close game and suddenly you're facing 3 or 4 super'd enemies; you can see it coming, and you can set up for it.)

I had at least a dozen instances last night of fighting someone who had JUST popped their super, and through smart play, had managed to kill them. In almost every case, I died too - but I consider a trade with a super-wielding foe to be a win if nobody else dies.

Heck - here's a clip from just last night.


My point is, more often than not, winning with a super isn't 'hitting a single button while facing in vaguely the right direction', and talking about it that way degrades both people who are skillful with them and people who die to them.

I'm not saying you aren't invulnerable when you activate YOUR super, and I'm not saying you're bad for dying to people who activate one against you. I'm saying, again, that we're playing different games, and I actually find the tone of your post to be off-putting; when you say things like "It’s almost impossible to screw them up", you make people feel uncomfortable (well, let's keep this personal - you make ME feel uncomfortable) about even TALKING about dying to a super. (Or sharing stories about shutting them down, even - I hesitated to post that link because I feel like the response is gonna be "well, those two guys were clearly incompetent.") That makes me sad, because some of those stories feel epic - but you've just dismissed the entire category.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is that sometimes, almost certainly without meaning to, your hyperbole can dampen my enthusiasm to even try and share. I don't want that to happen, so I'm telling you in the hopes that you can keep the rest of us in mind when you're telling us how easy something should be.

(I totally get that you were originally trying to say "I don't really like supers, because I feel like they disrupt the flow of the game", and your hyperbole - I should stop calling it that, your description of your experiences with them - was mostly just in defense of that point. But MY point was that I see a common thread in some of your posts, where the evidence you use to make your points tends to make me feel like even sharing my experience will make me look like a schlub. So I don't share. I don't mind at all that you play on a level that's light-years above me; several people on this forum do that. (I even play with some of them.) The difference is, when they're talking about their experiences, I don't feel demeaned. You can describe your experience, even if it's way more intricate or complicated or skilled than mine, without making ME feel like a loser. That's all.)

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